Chapter 8: The Project - Part 1

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Helen's P.O.V

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I noticed was that my duvet was covered in blood and I knew that it would stain so I'm forced to throw them out. Great now I have to go and buy some more. I really couldn't be bothered but I knew that I had to.

After sorting myself out, not even bothering to try and cover up my bruises because I knew that it would take too long and it wouldn't do anything, I left for school and I remembered that god damn baby as well so James can't yell at me as much. That baby is so annoying. It's like the thing doesn't know how to shut up. No matter how much I feed it, burp it, take it out, or even change its nappy, it still cries for hours on end.

I couldn't wait to get to school today because other than health and social, I have really good lessons today such as Chemistry, Biology, maths and English. I know they're all really geeky subjects but they're the ones I excel in so I tend to enjoy them a lot.


After my trek to school, I was finally outside the large green gate. I don't understand why they felt the need to paint it green and not another colour like black or something. It bothers me. That doesn't matter, though.

I stepped through the gates of hell. Yes I like school but I don't like the bullying so why wouldn't I call it my hell, well it's more like my second hell.

The first thing I heard when I walked through that stupidly green gate was the sound of the first bell so I quickly ran towards my maths class. I really hope I get to sit alone like I usually do because then there is no one to torment me in any way. But people must just love to torment me because someone chose to sit next to me and, the whole lesson, quietly insulted me. Seriously what the hell did I do to make them hate me so much? I honestly don't understand their logic. I have never done anything mean to them all I do is sit in class, do my work, eat lunch in the library and go home. So, why? Why can't anybody like me? I hate being this way. Being the punching bag for everyone but I can't stand up for myself because I'm too weak to do anything for myself. I always feel the need to rely on someone which is ironic because I can't rely on anyone at all and have to do everything for myself.

After Maths, I had English which was ok because I got to sit alone but several people threw things at me. Why do I put up with all of this? Because you know that you're worthless and that you deserve what you get. Yeah, I guess my conscience was right...


I made it to the fifth period after 4 horrific hours of people's criticism; I was finally at 5th period. Although I thought this was the worst lesson of all of them, I was still glad to be here because when this lesson was done I could go to my music studio. My lips turned up ever so slightly at the thought but that didn't last long because when I entered the classroom I noticed that James was already there. The sight made my day a whole lot worse than it already was.

I quickly walked to my seat so that I could hide in my work. However, I received no such privilege because as soon as I sat down James turned to look at me. When he was finally facing me he spoke.

"Oi. You got the baby today or what lazy arse?" He tone of voice was harsh like he wanted to slit my throat but yet again it almost didn't sound like he genuinely meant it. Almost.

"Y-yes I d-do" I barely managed to stutter out, fear obvious in my voice. He smirked at this.

"Good. Now give it to me and I'll take it home for a couple of days and we won't have to speak to each other for those days, agreed?" He questioned but it sounded more like a statement than a question. I decided not to argue and handed him the baby.

"A-agreed" I replied shakily. I really wish I could stop stuttering around him but that only seems to happen when I'm angry like I was at the park that day. That was the first time I had shouted at someone and it will most probably be the last. I don't know why I did that, though. Of all the people in the world to shout at, I chose the most fucking popular person in the school. Ugh. I'm such an idiot. I wish I had never done that.

I was so deep in thought that I almost didn't hear the teacher walk into the room. I snapped out of my daze and listened intently to what she was saying.

"Ok. I know that you all have been working very hard on this project of yours but I fear that none of you are actually working together so I am going to set you some more work that you have to complete together outside of school. This extra work is mandatory so you have to do it. No getting around it. What you have to do is hang out together, get to know your partner better. Find out what they like, dislike, do in their free time etc. You will have to fill out the sheet that I will pass to you in a minute. I don't care if you hate the person you are working with, you have to do it. Hang out with each other with the baby if necessary but you have to hang out and get to know them some way or another." With that, she finished her speech and began handing out the sheets. All you could hear for about 5 minutes was a chorus of groans and moans and people saying that they had better things to do than hang out with some loser. That last part was aimed at most of the nerds. Including me.

James was especially upset because he had to be with me and to be honest I do understand that. If I were him I wouldn't want to have to hang out with me either. I wish I didn't have to do this either but it can't be helped. Once again he turned towards me to speak.

"Listen if we are going to do this then we are going to have to go to one of our houses but you are definitely not coming to mine so it will have to be yours." He stated matter-of-factly. This massively panicked me. He absolutely cannot come to my house. What if my parents were there? I'm pretty sure they would kill me and then him, so no he was not coming to my house.

"No. You can't come to mine." I don't know where that sudden burst of confidence came from but I regretted it as soon as I said it. I should not have spoken like that to him.

"And why is that?" His teeth gritted as he said this. But I couldn't back down now.

"I have my reasons. Why can't we just meet somewhere else?" Seriously where has this confidence come from?

"Fine bitch. Where do you want to meet?" He questioned me.

" you know where my-I mean the music studio is?" I asked him, hoping he didn't notice my little slip-up.

"Yeah I do, why?" Thank the heavens he didn't notice. "Wait did you say your studio?" Shit thought too soon.

"Uh-umm because I thought we could meet there since we have to..." I spoke nervously as my confidence slowly deteriorated.

"Yeah that's fine but why did you say your studio?" He was being really persistent but I really did not need him knowing that my parents had bought me that studio and let me decorate it.

"Ummm...I didn't?" I tried to make it sound like a statement but it seemed to have come out as a question which just made him believe me even less than he did before.

"Fine don't tell me but I will find out somehow. Trust me." That made me a little scared but I couldn't stop the words leaving my mouth.

"Just drop it ok!" I snapped. I shocked myself and by the looks of it, I had stunned James as well. Shit, I can't believe I just said that. I shouldn't be so defensive but I couldn't help it, I didn't want him to know that it was mine.

Before he could say anything the bell went. It's times like this that the expression 'saved by the bell' really comes into play. Before I could actually leave the room, James grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Meet me at the studio straight after school, ok?" He told me and I just nodded, turned around and left.


I didn't want to go home before going to my studio; luckily I brought my key with me anyway today so I just went straight there.

When I got there I unlocked the door and went straight in because I assumed that I had enough time to run through a song or two so I did. Went over my 2 favourite songs: His daughter and her last words. When I was finished I could hear someone clapping on the other side of the glass. I looked up, curious and terrified, to find out who it was.

Of course, it had to be him.



Hey, guys! I actually updated really quickly and I'm quite proud of myself for it.

I will update when I can.

Until next time...

Poppy xx

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