Chapter 1: Why Me? (Edited)

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Helen's P.O.V

I can't do this anymore. Why do I even try to keep up this act? It's not like anyone will ever care. I'm just a worthless piece of shit that no one needs or cares about.

So why do I stay? Why don't I just end it all now? I don't know.

I feel extremely weak as I lay there on my bathroom floor as the blood pours out of my arms and legs. I just lay there for god knows how long before I decide to get up and clean up the mess I made. That's all I do, make a mess of everything. Even my parents think so. They say that I'm a worthless piece of crap that no one will ever care about or love and that's why I'm so alone at school, that and that I'm pathetic.

Once I'm done clearing up my blood-stained bathroom floor, I clean up my cuts, with tears running down my face, leaving my eyesight blurry, and gently climb into my bed and prepare for yet another sleepless night.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping and before I knew it, I heard my door slamming open and yelling in my ear telling me to get the hell up. I didn't have time to respond before I was being picked up by my hair and thrown out of bed and being told to get dressed and get the fuck out of the house and go to school by my mother.

I didn't eat breakfast yet again this morning. That's just my normal routine now get up, get dressed and go to school.

Once I had reached my school, I quickly scurried to class hoping not to be seen by anyone. In case you haven't noticed, I have no friends and I get bullied...a lot. I tried going to the headteacher about it, but it just ended up getting worse and worse, so I gave up and stopped trying. I entered my classroom, knowing that no one would be in there because its maths and almost everyone hates maths...except me. I love it. It's simple and easy so I have a lot of fun when learning it. It was one of the very few things that made me happy. As I was waiting for the teacher and everyone to turn up, I took in my surroundings. All the maths sums' posters hanging on the walls, some of the students work as well. It was a very colourful room with light blue walls and all the different coloured posters.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door open. My head snapped up automatically and saw it was the teacher and the other students in my class...great. I suddenly felt nauseous knowing that whoever sat next to me was going to make fun of me.

Luckily it was one of the nerds that sat next to me, so I wasn't picked on...just ignored.


One semi-fun hour later the bell rang, and I grabbed my stuff and I ran out of the room to my next class which was health and social care...this should be fun. I hear that we're being given an assignment today, no details have been given out yet though, so I'll have to wait until the teacher tells us about it to get more information. I just hope that it's an interesting assignment that I can do by myself.

After I found my seat in the corner of the room and got all my writing stuff out, the teacher, Mrs Green, walked in and cleared her throat.

"Okay class, as I'm sure you've heard, you will be starting an assignment today. Bear in mind that this assignment is worth 25% of your final grade so take it seriously. Also, because of how important this assignment is, you will 2 months to complete and perfect it." As she said this, she started giving out sheets of paper that stated the assignment.

"As you can see this assignment will be based on mental health. What I would like you to do is, in pairs that I will choose, research a specific mental illness of your choice, whether that be depression or schizophrenia, I don't mind, it's up to you. You will then create a PowerPoint that will be presented to the class showing the symptoms, treatments and other mental illnesses it is associated with if there are any. Everything else you need to know is on the sheets I have handed out. Now I will tell you who you're working with," Mrs Green started listing off the names of everyone in the class and who they're working with. To be honest, I'd rather do this project on my own, it would go a lot smoother if I could. Plus, I know a lot about depression and anxiety since I have both. I could do really well on this assignment if only I could-

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