Chapter 18: The First Day In Paradise

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Helen's P.O.V

To say it felt weird to wake up in a room that you're not familiar with but yet you can call your own is an understatement. Honestly, the weirdest part about waking up in my new room was knowing that I wouldn't get beaten if I said the wrong thing or closed a door too loudly, it's not a feeling I'm used to but I wouldn't mind getting used to it at some point. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and by someone who a few weeks ago, hated my guts.

I slowly opened my eyes to look around my unfamiliar surroundings, the room was definitely a lot bigger than my old room, my old room was basically Harry Potter's cupboard bedroom compared to this place. I sat up on my new bed and placed my feet on the soft, blue carpet.

I wish I could live like this all the time I thought to myself randomly as I felt how soft the carpet was instead of my crappy carpet in my old room.

This had to have been one of the very few times that I was happy when I woke up. I know I can't stay here forever though, I'll only stay here for as long as James will have me or until I feel as though I've outstayed my welcome.

Deciding it was time to stop being caught up in my thoughts, I got out of bed and put on a teal coloured t-shirt, not bothering to hide my bandages and scars considering James already knows about that, and some black skinny jeans with my koala socks because they're so damn cute. Once I was dressed I left my room and began heading down the stairs and started looking around trying to find the kitchen, if that's even possible.

I must have looked like a lost puppy because after about 15 minutes of searching I heard chuckling coming from behind me and when I turned around, of course, the owner of the laughter was none other than James himself.

"You okay there?" He spoke while trying to withhold his laughter but failing miserably.

"Does it look like I'm okay? I'm lost in a house and I'm hungry" I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest, I noticed James take a quick glance at my arms, most likely looking at the bandages that are still wrapped around my forearm and cast on my other arm but I shrug it off, I don't really mind him looking since he's seen them before and I feel pretty comfortable around him and not mention he is letting me stay at his house.

"C'mon, the kitchen is this way you goofball," He said before turning and walking in the opposite direction, signalling for me to follow him and forcing me to jog to catch up to him.

"Who are you calling a goofball? It's not my fault your house is basically a maze, I'll need a damn map to navigate this place, you dingbat," I sassed him, I mean he can't expect me to be here for a day and automatically know my way around.

"Dingbat? Really? Now that's a weird insult" James spoke while chuckling once again.

"Oh shush up, it's my word and I shall use it as I wish" I barely finished my sentence when James stopped outside a door before opening it and exposing the kitchen. I all but ran into the kitchen, straight to the cupboards to find where the food and utensils were. Before I began making anything I turned to James, who had also entered the room when I had, to ask him if he wanted some breakfast.

"Yeah sure, what are you making?" He asked me with a curious look on his face.

"I'm feeling like pancakes, that sound good to you?" I asked while tying my hair up, not wanting to shed into the ingredients.

"Yeah that sounds great, I'll just stay here and watch," He said while walking towards a stall that was placed under what appears to be a breakfast bar and sitting down.

"Okay, how many do you want?" I questioned him to which he replied with 4 and so I got to work.

Once I had finished making the batter, I poured some into a frying pan and let it cook on one side before flipping it so that it could cook on the other side because who on earth would eat a half cooked pancake.

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