This Is Gospel

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Sorry for breaking you Dokki. ;A;

Song is This Is Gospel (Piano Version) from Panic! At The Disco. Dotemms has forced me to tell you I won't be doing something like that again to you guys. I don't think I can promise you that, but I can promise that there's no major character death happening in this fic. This chapter is still going to be an emotional roller-coaster though; it has to get a little bit worse before it gets better, my dudes.


  Her voice sounded impossibly far away in her ears, like she was hearing herself from the end of a long tunnel. Frantically, she summoned a circle, her hands rotating counter-clockwise, and she flung it at the portal ahead of Ruv. At first she thought she might be too late; everything was moving too slow and too fast all at once. But then a blinding flash and a roar incapacitated everyone in the room, and the portal slammed closed. Ruv dropped to the ground with a loud "oof!" and a groan.

  "Ow. That fuckin' hurt."

  " DAD! "

  Sel ran to his father, Ras following behind him sobbing from the shock. Sarvente fell to her knees, drained. Slowly, she covered her face with her shaking hands. She'd been a mere second from losing him forever. Forever .

  And she never used that word lightly.

  "I'm sorry, Daddy, I'm so sorry !" Ras was hiccuping, inconsolable. "I'd just been reading and I came across something and stupidly was talking to myself and it just happened ! It just happened and I - "

  Ruv groaned again. "Rasazy, it's fine ! It's fine. It was an accident. Let me go to your mother."

  She listened as he got to his feet slowly and walked over, kneeling before her and wrapping his arms around her. "Sarv, I'm fine. I'm okay, I'm alive ."

  She threw her arms around him, and the dam burst. Ugly sobs tore through her, tears soaking into his jacket, her whole frame shaking with the force. She felt the kids flank her sides, Rasazy if anything crying even harder than before from the guilt and Selever as helpless to stop them as Ruv seemed to be.

  "I'm still here," he reassured her, and he put one hand on Rasazy's head, stroking her hair. "I'm not going anywhere, any of you."

  The four of them sat that way for a while, Sel clinging to his father's side and rubbing his mother's back as Ruv held Sarv and shushed Rasazy. The little family could only cling to each other in the wake of near-disaster, and as the tears began to subside Ruv pulled Sarvente to her feet and the four made their way out of the chaos. Thankfully, still in one piece.


  Sarv sat woodenly at the kitchen table, feeling hollowed out and exhausted. Ruv and Selever were quietly making tea, and Rasazy had fallen asleep from the stress and been put to bed on the couch, Ruv's jacket draped over her since she'd refused to let go of it. He stood now wearing his hoodie, and when he walked over to nudge a mug into her hands she grabbed at the sleeve.

  "Stay next to me, please. I just need to touch you."

  He paused, hesitant, then sat beside her. Selever had his own mug in hand, and sat on the opposite side of the table from his parents, looking just as exhausted as they did. The silence stretched between them, before Ruv took a gulp of tea and finally broke the tension.

  "So any theories as to what the hell happened in there?"

  Selever reached in his back pocket and laid a slim volume onto the table. "Ras had this in her hand when everything stopped."

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