if i listened to the other voice in my head

2 0 0

should've been dust in my pocket
i have you in my brass locket
kept safe like a keepsake
put me out of my misery, throw me in the lake

stop, don't speak like that
there is better for you, put on your hat
play in the rain, don't stay down here
because you need to let go of your fear

i've been trying and there's something wrong
i don't even know why this lasts so long
it drips from my lips like molten lava
consumed by the numbers, by the inconsistent data

stop analyzing so much, it's the worst for you
because it makes you so paralyzed you don't know what to do
i need you to stop, it's for the best
i need you to settle down for once, i need you to give it a rest

sprinkle in the woods (poetry #6)Where stories live. Discover now