Chapter Twenty-Four: What's so Funny?

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No one said anything until Bennett parked the car in front of the tattoo shop. "Mia, you need anyone to talk to-"

"Thank you, Bennett" I nodded. "Uh, tattoos don't hurt, if you ask me. I took mines like-"

"A baby" Declan Murmmered under his breath as he stepped out of the car. "He's not wrong" Bennett added as he got out too. Naomi was next as I shake my head and Jordan got out angrily. "My point is, Mia kitten don't be scared"

"Your acting like this isn't my first tattoo" I scoffed. Jeez, I'm a badass, what do I need a peep talk for? "You have a tattoo?!" Declan shouted. "The hell you screaming at me for? You have two!" I said as I held up my two fingers in his face. "I'm telling mom" He bluffed. "Not uh, I'll tell her first, wait a minute. I'm an adult you are still a kid" I laughed. "Hey! Ross and Monica. Get moving. The shops inside" Naomi then pointed to a shop. "Fine but let me talk to Bennett first" I sighed.

Declan, Jordan, and Naomi stepped into the shop to be greeted by someone they probably already knew.

"Mia, You know you're like a little sister to me right?"

"Yeah," I sighed as I looked at Naomi, Jordan, and Declan against the window of the shop. I rolled my eyes and pulled Bennett into a small ally way. I took in a deep breath "Do you know an international gang called The Sirens?" I asked. He briefly looked at me with worry, almost as if he knew I was in trouble or I had something to do with that gang. He straightened his back and moved his arms from his pockets to cross them.

"The most dangerous gang in possibly the world. Yeah, I heard a thing or two" He nodded with a sigh "Please don't tell me-"

"I won't, But just to know, what do you know about them?" I asked. "Well. I don't know much. I know they own the top gang in Italy, France, a few more in places I don't know, and Us" He gritted his teeth. I gulped down before nodding my head. "Mia, please, don't" He begged. "I'm not saying anything Bennett. But when we go inside and have to show the tattoo. Don't say anything. I know the others don't know about them but please"

"Th-They have a lot of people. If they Naomi knows something just say you did things in Jersey and you have no idea who or what they are. For all our sakes"

"Okay" I smiled before we walked out. I paused for a moment, "Why did you mention Naomi? Why not Declan and Jordan?" I asked. He stopped before looking back at me, hands back in his pocket, slouching back. I know people say he has no emotions in his eyes or...anywhere but I think he has too many emotions, can't say things he wants to so he stay's quiet.

"Is that really a question?" He smiled. I laughed out as he opened the door for me. Jordan glared at Bennett as if he could scare him. I pouted at him before wrapping my arms around his neck. "What's so funny?" He asked. "Nothing" I smiled.

"Good thing I changed and got a sports bra" I winked before walking up to the counter. "And who are you?" Asked the man in a thick accent I couldn't really put my finger on. "She's getting our tattoo's" Jordan smiled. "You can always take it back and we can go home" He whispered in my ear. "Not a chance" I growled as I stepped on his foot. He bit his lip before hopping away. "This has to be fast I have a meeting to get to" He looked off to Bennett before looking down at me. "Fifth member of this uh-"

"Bookclub!" Naomi shouted before looking up at us. "Did I say that out loud?" She asked. "Were all crazy" She waved her hand to wave us away. I shook my head before turning back. "Give me a minute to clean everything, I just had a customer, little one" He sighed.

"Milo isn't looking happy" Jordan sighed. I walked over to Naomi and leaned over to see her phone. "I saw a book club for this book I'm reading."

"What's it called?"

"Small Dog. It's about a group of friends that meets new people and goes into relationships, and too of them finger out their sexuality. I think The girl is Bisexual and the guy is gay. I'm not sure yet, but I really like it" 

"I didn't know you were into these types of books," I said. She shrugged before looking at me "I didn't know either, I was in the library the other night and it just fell from the bookshelf. It mixed in from my pile but I ended up reading it"

"Maybe I can read it when you're done"

"Sure I'm on the second chapter. Were the new girl meets up with one of the friend's brothers and talks about her old friends behind her new friends back"

"Your eating that book up like mothers with reality tv" I scoffed. All she did was a hum as she started to read the book.

"Alright, come on" The guy jerked his head to the black seat. When I went to look at the boys they were gone.

"They went out to get you things" He chuckled. I nodded as I sat down. "You know where it's gonna be? Ever had a tattoo?" He asked. "Yes, and Yes" I nodded. "The left arm and the same finger as Declan" I answered as I took off my shirt. "You're dating the blonde one correct?" He asked as he took a deep breath. "Jordan? Yeah"

"Let me guess, He gets on your nervous?" He chuckled.

"You could say that, yeah, but in a cute way"

"Tell me where have I seen you before?" He asked. Crap, I hadn't realized that we flow here to get our tattoos. He could tell my body was tense.  "My friend comes in here a lot." I nodded. "You two had a following out?"He asked as I relaxed a bit. I glanced off to Naomi, She wasn't listening she was in her own world with that book.

"I just moved away. I don't have a private Jet that I fly around in"

Naomi let out a scream before rushing over to my side. "So the new girl's friend is gay and has a crush on the girl's old friend but she turns her down so the new girl's friend has a friend that's also gay and they go out and the girl that just rejected the other is realising she likes the girl"

"so much girl" Milo gasped. Naomi's face dropped before looking at the book. "You reed that fast?" I asked. "Yes, it's a good book. So much drama. Oh and-"

"I think I'll wait until you finish to hear spoilers" I scoffed. "Oh right," She smiled and went back to her seat. "She wasn't like that last time"

"The candy and caffeine were off in a couple of minutes" I shrugged with my free shoulder.

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