Chapter Eighteen: Three Bad Boys are Three Soft Boys

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Jordan and Naomi where the ones that walked me through my panic attack. Bennett drove back to the house while Declan asked her when and all that stuff.

Jordan told me to take deep breaths while Naomi told me to count to ten.

Jordan was petting my hair while Declan kept telling me it's not all on the same day and that I needed to wait two more months. That calmed me down and I went to sleep.

Waking up the next morning somewhat reset my mind. I had to get ready to hang out with Bennett. I had no idea where we were going so I just grabbed black jeans with a plain white T-shirt.

I bit my bottom lip and sighed before walking downstairs.

"Bennett make any moves on her-"


"And if I do?"


"Do nothing because he's not going to" I interpreted as I walked downstairs.

"Bring her back by eight," Declan said as he put a hand on Bennett's shoulder.


Bennett opened the door to the restaurant and I immediately shivered at the coldness.

"This place is fancy I feel underdressed" I chuckled nervously

"Don't worry. We'll be in the kitchen" he mumbled as he took my hand and lead me to the back. When we reached the back a man came out with a silver tray. He grabbed my head and ducked as we walked into the back.

"Answer me this. Are you dating Jordan?" he asked as we stepped to the side

"Are we really being obvious?" I asked as I bit my lip

"No. You just told me" he shrugged as I gasped and smacked his shoulder

"For how long?" he asked as he took off his hoodie. Wow, I thought that the hoodie was attached to him. He then took off his earing and gave them to me "three months" I answered as he quickly took off the ring and put his hand in his back pocket

"What was that?" I asked


"Bennett, "

"It was nothing," he said as he grabbed an apron

"Wait you cook?" I asked

"Yes. Now sit. I'll be making the food" he sighed.

"For the record, I hope you burn yourself just a little for that game you played"

"You and Naomi could be sisters" he mumbled as he walked away.

Watching Bennett with an emotion other than disappointment and anger was something new. He had a passion in his eyes and he barked orders at adults like it wasn't new. And the people just took it. It was almost cute in away. Like a little brother type of way.

Once he was done he placed everything down on the plate and took off his apron. He nodded towards the door and I followed behind. He placed the plates down with a soft smile before helping me sit down then sitting.

"Okay so the three bad boys are the three soft boys" I chuckled

"Your killing me" He groaned. I pulled out his ring and earing and handed it over "Why is Bennett so Bennett?" I asked. He tilted his head and looked at the food in front of me. I groaned as I took the fork and knife. I cut a piece and took a bite before smiling

"That's really good"

"Thank you," He said.

"I guess it's because my dad wants me to be something I'm not and my mom isn't in my life a lot" He sighed as I nodded "What about your mom?" He asked

"My mom? Well, she died when I was six" I answered. He mumbled his sorry before taking a bite from his food

"Can I ask why?"

"She had a heart attack after that my dad started doing drugs and started drinking," I said sadly

I still remember when I found her in her room. I walked in with my teddy bear in my hands. Her hair was covering her face and when I saw her skin almost blue I called my dad. I still remember the red lights and my dad yelling at me to getaway.

"I'm so sorry. What did she like doing?"

"Baking. She made these Mini coconut cupcakes with passion fruit icing every time I was sad or upset. Coconut was also her favorite so we had it a lot" I smiled. I took a bite of my food as he gave me a soft smile

"Any siblings Bennett?" I asked as he looked off to the side

"Two older sisters and a younger brother"

"Names?" I asked

"Brennan, You and Bentley"

"You consider me as a family?" I awed as he took a bite of his food "Because you're dating my annoying best friend and you're my other best friends sister"

"Ouch. Here I thought we were connecting there for a second"

"You're hanging out too much with Jordan," He said "Which is good you're not as mean"

"Way to crush a girl's ego...Okay I see what you mean"

He nodded his head and snapped his fingers "Two months with Jordan. Wait a few years"

I chuckled and clicked my tongue before nodding. "He's actually really sweet and caring" I smiled



The time we got home Jordan was waiting for me in the room. When I closed the door he immediately hugged me like he did something, something I wouldn't approve of

"I cheated on you"


Sorry it's really really short. That's on me.

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