Chapter Two: He's always in trouble

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Declan had dragged me out of the room when I realized there were three men in the house and only two girls. Yes, I have a problem with men but that story is to long to tell.

One was blond with bright green eyes and (if I do say so myself) a handsome, charming smile while the other was the tallest, although he did slough, had black hair and piercing blue eyes. The girl had brown hair and brown eyes with thick black-rimmed glasses.

"Guys this is Mia. We're fostering her and she'll be staying with us for a while" Declan said as he pushed me up forcefully

"Hello" I waved awkwardly as I started turning back towards the stairs

Why is it always an arm stopping me from my goals?

"Don't worry" He whispered

"Don't worry? The tallest one looks dead and the blond boy looks like he sleeps with a hanger in his mouth" I whispered back, although the whispering part didn't seem like whispering because they could hear me.

"Uh. Bennett stop whatever you do to look dead and Jordan tone it down a bit" he said or more like a silent plead

"Does the princess want us to wear matching outfits?" Mumbled the girl as she looked down. My eyes widen and I looked at Declan worriedly

"I'm sorry I didn't mean as a "don't be yourself way". It's just that he looks really scary and he looks like he trying so hard to not come off as a threat. I didn't mean to offend you guys at all. I mean I just have a really bad history with men in general so it's not a you thing it's more of me thing and by thing I mean problem because I have a lot of problems and now I'm going to jump into this hole I just dug myself"

The End...

Because that's where I die from embarrassment

Not really. I just stood there red as a tomato, No, tomato's would be jealous at how red I am while the four just blinked at me.

Then that's when three of them burst out laughing and one chuckled. "Wh-What's so funny! I'm a natural-born babbler" I huffed crossing my arms. Once the three stopped laughing at me (Rude) they cleared their throats and the first to hold out their hand for me to shake it was the blond

"I'm Jordan Wallace. Lovely to meet you gorgeous" he smiled as he placed a kiss on the back of my hand.

"Please ignore him with your every living breath" Declan begged as I nodded.

"Please, it's almost impossible to ignore my charms"

"Well she going to try"

"Behave. I'm Bennett" said the raven-haired one as he extended an arm my way.

"So your the Bennett Mrs. Lynch was talking about" I smiled as I took his hand. He only looked up at Declan which somehow knew what he was asking through the poker face "My mom said she could have mistaken her for your sister"

"I knew she looked like someone. Other than the fact she has one brown eye and one blue eye, you two could be twins" Jordan said as I looked at Bennett. I shook it off as the girl turned to me with a semi-smile

"I'm Naomi Lorraine. I'm also sorry"

"It's fine" I waved off as she chuckled.

"Let's eat!" Jordan shouted as he went to the kitchen.

If I'm being honest I've never really connected with people the way all this just happened. People hated me and I never really had friends. I was always the shy little girl that was easier to be picked on and to take out your anger on when you don't get picked to be in a foster home.

Yes, they're scary but I can set things aside if I can finally have friends. Or maybe I'm being too trusting? Or I don't know! Maybe it's because I'm being less shy in this family which I have no idea why because I'm going to leave at the end of the week.

Because something will happen. Something always happens.

I get in a good home and they find out what I've done in the past and they think I'm a bad person so I put on a shy front.

"Mia, would you like some?" Jordan asked as he held up some drinks

"Sure" I nodded as he placed a cup in front of me and poured the drink as I mumbled my thank you. He sat next to me and placed a slice of pizza on my plate "Aren't you a gentleman. Are you always like this?" I asked


"No, he's not. Jordan can I speak to you?" Declan asked as he placed a hand on Jordan's shoulder

"Is he in trouble?"I asked as Naomi and Bennett shake their heads "He's always in trouble" Naomi answered as I nod. I grabbed my pizza and took a bite as the two walked back in and sat down.


I can tell you it wasn't as awkward as I thought! I had fun for the first time in a long time. But once it reached there time to leave it was all fake.

"I don't understand why we have to hang out with her" Naomi sighed

"Yeah, why did your parents do this anyway?" Jordan asked

"I don't know but it's not important. We just have to be nice, alright"

"Be nice to her for the rest of the year? Good luck" Bennett scoffed

I moved back causing a squeak from the floor board and went back to the room.

Why believe in a world that never believed in you?

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