Chapter Seven: Like You Already Don't

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That night we went back upstairs and Jordan had fallen asleep on my bed. I had a feeling he was faking it when I tried to walk him up. I also mumbled that I was going to sleep on the air matters and he wasted no time grabbing me and pretending I was a teddy bear named TD. When I tried to move away he only rolled over to the other side.

That morning the smell of bacon is what woke me from my sleep. But I had the pleasure of Declan having a scowled on his face at the end of the bed. I looked over to Jordan snoring beside me.

"Jordan" Declan groaned as he grabbed Jordan's foot and dragged him a bit

"Naomi's coming over soon and my dad left for work while my mom went out shopping. They'll be back when Rudy comes over"

"Alright. When I come back this room should be free of, well Jordan" I added as I tried to get out bed.

Keyword: Tried

When I was about to get up he wrapped his arm around my legs so Declan dragged him to the floor by his foot so that I could get a change of clothes and walk to the bathroom.

After taking a long, needed shower I changed into jeans, a black tank top, and a red flannel. Last night Jordan and I talked until four in the morning. It was about random things once we passed a few awkward fazes. It was nice to talk freely, of course with a few of my grumpy inputs.

I placed on my glasses as I walked downstairs. Almost immediately Jordan grinned as I walked over to get some coffee. There was a knock on the door and the three looked at each other. Boy's will be boys

"I'm faster!" Jordan shouted as both, Jordan and Declan ran to get the door. Jordan got to it first with a smirk and opened the door shouting "Naomi!"

"Hey Jordan" She chuckled as she walked in

"Hi Naomi" I waved

"So now you're talking to us?" She asked as she sat down. "That's fair. I wanted to say sorry. I overheard you guys start talking about me and I left before I heard the ending and I thought you all hated me so I gave you all the cold shoulder and blew you all off and the reason I just now know I'm saying I'm sorry is because my foot got stuck and Jordan and Declan explained to me. I'm babbling"

"I see the babbling part is real" she chuckled as I bit my lip

"Only when I'm nervous"

"Whose book is this?" Declan asked

"Oh, mine. I was reading it last night" I answered as I grabbed the book.

"What is it about?" Naomi asked

"A doctor's study cases. There's one of a colorblind painter" Jordan answered as Bennett walked over to put food on our plates

"What type of colorblind?" Bennett asked

"Cerebral Achromatopsia" Jordan answered again

"Nice. Can I borrow it one day?" She asked as Jordan sat down next to me and grabbed the book "Right after Jordan reads it. Or does whatever because I don't think he wants to"

"Hey! I want to read it...Kind of. It sounds nice" He smiled as I grabbed a piece of his bacon

"Jordan doesn't share food" He huffed

"And Mia doesn't share her bed but look where you were"

"Woah! They slept-"

"Please don't say it like that. We were talking about the book" I cut off as Naomi laughed

"Trust me. If we did-"

"Keep talking Jordan and I'll hurt you" Declan threatened

"Like you already don't" Bennett mumbled as he sat down.


After we ate we just watched a movie on the couch. Jordan, Naomi, and I sat on the long couch as Bennett sat in one armchair and Declan sat on the other armchair. I was drinking coffee all day. Naomi and the other two ended up leaving when Mrs. and Mr. Lynch come home with Ruby. So at this moment, we were all in the kitchen.

"Mia. Due to somethings in the past, they've given you a choice with this family. I gave you a week and now that week is up. Will you be staying?"

"What if-"

"No Mia. Let's pretend this is your first home. You have no past-"

"Ruby. Mrs. Lynch is going to have a child I can't-"

"If you don't take this home you'll be put into a high-risk list and move to a group home!"

I didn't know what to say to that. A high risk? A high-risk adoption is a list people put you on so foster parents know that you're most likely to runway or dangerous and a group home is a house filled with the same gendered people that have been to jail or can't find a family. If you make it to eight-teen you go into an independent living program where they give you a place, enough money to eat and get a few things, a phone, and help find a job.

"Mia. We know about your past. Declan is here and the baby will be fine. Please"

"I guess you have to get the papers ready" I sighed.

Last night I may or may have not asked Jordan if I should stay or not. He told me I had nothing to worry about here and that Declan is an amazing person despite all the petty fights they get into although he did tell me not to tell him that. And I do have friends now. I never had friends, I hope it's nice.

Jordan then told me and I quote "You seem like a loyal friend. A person that would put everyone else first. But you have to be selfish. You can't run away forever even if you want to" that night when I fell asleep I had a dream about actually being in this family. Being there when the baby is born, on my birthday in a couple of weeks, on Declan's birthday.

"Your staying?" Mr. Lynch asked

"Yes" I nodded

"I'll set up a court-"

Declan walked over to the door and opened it with a greeting. He looked back at his parents before opening the door and stepping aside. She was wearing a pencil skirt with a buttoned-up blouse and a blazer

"Rose what are you doing here?" Ruby asked as she unbuttoned her blazer and stuffed her hands in her pocket

"I'm here to talk to Mia Martinez" She nodded as Declan closed the door and walked back. Rose had a package in her hands and walked over

"Mia this is Rose. My Fiancée works for the criminal justice system as a lawyer"

"Wait. This is the girl you think of as family?" She asked as she shook my hand

"Yes. But she just agreed to get adopted" She smiled as Rose put the package on the counter. Rose then went to shake Mrs. and Mr. Lynch hand

"We're not allowed to talk about cases so I am truly sorry Ruby" Rose sighed

"What's going on?" Mrs. Lynch asked

"I was on a case eight years ago. I worked against a man named Mark Martinez, your father" She answered

"Oh" Was the only thing I could say. My throat felt dry and my heart rate picked up again

"Now he personly asked me to give you something. For your birthday in a couple of weeks. There are three more packages in my car but I wanted to let you know first"

I nodded as Declan opened the package to my face "I'll open them on my birthday then" I sighed

"This is a coincidence, Mia. I swear" Ruby sighed

"It's fine. You can't talk about it at home. But I have to say your a lot nicer then her ex-wife" I smirked

"Mia!" Ruby yelled as Mrs. and Mr. Lynch laughed

"Thank you, Mia. Anyway, Ruby may you help me with the other ones?" She asked as Ruby nodded and they left.

My father always gives me a gift for my birthday, he would ask a lawyer to get something from anywhere and they would have to give to me. I never kept them because he did it when I was young. I get hurt and he gets me a gift. But I throw it away when I open it.

"Let's go eat. To celebrate" Mr. Lynch suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"Food!" Declan and I shouted as we gave each other high fives.

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