Chapter Sixteen: Russian Blue and Golden Retriever

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This Chapter has conversations about rape and sexual harassment.


"Long live the King?" He asked. I nodded my head as he placed his head on my shoulder

"Does that mean anything to you? You look guilty" I mumbled "No. It doesn't kitten, I just can't believe it happened" he whispered as he cleared his throat.

"Why don't you tell me about you?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck "You know how people say "Don't follow the ball on to the street" Yeah I should've listened" he sighed

"Do you want to know what I think?" I asked as he raised an eyebrow

"I'm sorry if this hurts you in any way but I think it makes you a bit hotter" I smiled as he smirked at me but it twisted into worry as I gave him a scold and sneezed on the other side of my bed. "You're still sick?"

"Yup. I don't think I'm going tomorrow" I sniffed as he sighed and gave me puppy dog eyes

"Don't be like that" I huffed as I laid down.

"Can I...Like stay over?" He asked. I started to shake my head and ran my finger through my hair

"Don't you think it's a little-"

"Fast?" We said in unison

"I just...Wanna be with my girl. The only time I get to see you is at night" he shrugged as I grabbed his hoodie and slipped into it.

"You can stay. Just hands to yourself mister" I pouted as I pointed to his hands when he held them up to surrender.

"Although I do have to lock my door so Declan doesn't barge in and see me cuddling with one of his best friend"

"I feel bad for not telling them. There my best friends" he sighed as he laid down.

"I know. But I like how things are. We'll tell them, him. It's been two weeks since we started dating and it's moving a bit fast. Your the first person I told willingly and I wouldn't even done that if it was two years of us dating. I mean you did catch on about it but I did kind of hint it and stuff and I'm babbling"

"It's cute. And I agree kitten. Come cuddle with your puppy" he winked as he held out his arms

"So why is my pet name Puppy?" He asked as I sighed and laid down on his arms

"I don't know" I shrugged "We're different, and your like a cute little golden retriever"

"I think more like a German Shephered" he smirked

"No, Declan is the German Shepherd" I chuckled as he started to play with my hair

"And Bennett?"

"Bombay Cat. Their adorable"

"Slightly jealousy but okay" he mumbled

"If I liked Bennett I wouldn't be with you puppy" I smiled softly as he kissed the top of my head

"What about Naomi?" He asked

"Siberian cat" I answered

"Isn't it those adorable little cats with big eyes and they get even cuter when there eyes dilate?" He asked as I nodded and looked away

"If I want to be with Naomi, she would've probably already rejected me"

I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around his torso and cuddled into his chest

"You would be a Russian Blue" he smiled

"You would be a Russian Blue" he smiled

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