Chapter Nineteen: Brennan?! She's Here?

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The only thing I was for sure was that I didn't want him in my sight. I told him to leave and he was going to leave because Declan knocked on my door to tell me dinner was ready.

So at the moment I was downstairs and eating amazing food someone cooked and I wasn't in the mood because someone I thought was loyal and kind cheated on me!

What did he do to me?

I thought he was a good guy. Someone that cared about me. What if he freaked out about the rape and didn't want someone that wouldn't give it up? That isn't Jordan, is it?

I bit my bottom lip and Declan sighed "What's wrong?" he asked

"Nothing" I mumbled as my eyes started to tear up.

"Are you crying?" he asked as I looked away

"Name. Give me his name now" he ordered as I wipped a tear "It's stupid! I don't cry over people"

"Mia, Declan. We'll leave you to the sister-brother moment" Whispered Mrs.Lynch and grabbed Mr. Lynch's hand

"Who was it?" he asked again but only a little more sincere still angry though

"I said I wouldn't tell"

"Tell me, please. I'll listen. Not hurt" He sighed

"I-Jordan" I trembled as smoke came out of his ears and nose. "Jordan Wallace! My friend! My Best Friend!" he shouted

"I'm sorry!" I yelled as my eyes could've been mistaken for waterfalls.

"Why didn't you tell me!? When!?"

"After my birthday and we were afraid you would break us up! You rather have me date a cat than him"

He sighed and sat down next to me "Stop crying Mama Mia" he chuckled

"Don't call me that" I cried out a laugh as I wiped a tear

"Despite the two of us always fighting each other he's my best friend. If it isn't Bennett then I'm glad it's Jordan. He's a good guy"

"Good guy? He cheated on me!" I sobbed. I looked at Declan's face and the only thing I could read was disappointment.

"Jordan would never cheat on someone. Maybe a test but never on someone he cared about for three months straight"

I wiped more of my tears and walked back up to the room.

He was supposed to be a good guy. Someone that didn't know my past and wouldn't think I was a crazy freak. Not just some juvenile delinquent.

Who was better than me? Someone prettier? Smarter? What couldn't I give him? Happiness? Commitment?

I just need to sleep. Sleep is always the answer, right? Yeah, that's what I need. I exhaled and went to change.

Why I'm I crying? I've been through worse. So Jordan cheated on me with someone I don't know, It's Jordan's loss.

Just as I closed my eyes the door opened with Naomi peeking through. "I got coconut ice cream, chocolate and junk food that can last us a week" she whispered

"This is stupid! I don't cry over little boys that cheat!" I shouted as I threw off the covers from my body

"That not like Jordan. There has to be something behind it" she sighed

"Or him behind her" I huffed as I grabbed the bag

"Mia!" She shouted at my comment most likely "Has he tried calling you?" She asked as she went to my chair and opened my computer. Just as I took a spoon full of ice cream in my mouth I said "No, I turned off my phone"

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