Chapter Eleven: Although You're a Royal Pain in the Butt

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The gifts my father gave me were my mothers wedding dress, photo albums, and my mother's wedding ring.

I'm not a big fan of changing my hair but I tried something new and flat ironed it. I was looking over the photo albums in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep. I tranced my hand over a picture of my mother in the hospital bed with a newborn me in her hands. She had long black hair with sparkling brown eyes.

I wish I could remember the moment my mother found out I had heterochromia. My father was the one taking the pictures so he wasn't in many. I lightly touched the necklace Jordan bought me and bit my lip as a smile slowly formed on my lips.

I know I've only been here for a few weeks but I'm actually happy with Jordan but he's one of Declan's best friend. There are so many things wrong with Jordan and I dating. Also, he flirts with any pretty girl in sight. I don't just wanna be another girl but I think my lack of boyfriends or boys can give me a disadvantage but it's not like Jordan and I are going to be Boyfriend or Girlfriend or anything like that.

Jordan is really sweet...When it counts and at times he's annoying but still sweet.


I closed the photo album and placed it in the closet. I walked back to the bed and sighed


What is that? Did it come from the window? I turned on the Tv so the sound of my paranoia could run away, although the rapid text messages made me believe someone was out to kill me and someone was trying to warn me.

It was just Jordan telling me to open the window, look down, and call him. Of course, I asked why but he just answered with "Because I said so" so like the good dog that I am I just stayed in bed but I did call him.

"Open the window!" He whispered yelled

"Why should I do that?" I asked

"Because you miss me"

"How about something else that you don't use on other girls" I tsked

"What other girls?" He asked as I grabbed my glasses and walked to the window. When I looked out the window I saw that he actually looked confused

"You think just because I'm hot and sexy, and cute, and charming-"

"Jordan!" I whispered yelled

"Alright Fine. You think just because I'm amazingly perfect that I just pick and choice girl's at random"

"Maybe" I snickered

"Well, you, Naomi, and my mother are the only females in my life. Naomi is my best friend to teach me the female ways, my mother gave birth to me and you are the female ways that Naomi needs to teach me about"

"Female ways?" I asked

"Open the window, Mia"

I rolled my eyes as I unlocked the window, opened it, and walked back to the bed. I hung up as I saw Jordan shimmy his way through the window with a grunt to end his landing. He dusted his gray jacket off as he sighed

"Edward makes it look easier than it is"

"From Twilight?" I asked as he nodded his head and looked away. He covered his face with his hand and I clicked my tongue.

"Could you cover up or something?" He mumbled. I looked at my black shorts and a gray tank top. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body as he glanced back at me and relaxed.

"Why are you here again?" I asked

"You were happy on your birthday, now your just grumpy again" He pouted as went to grab my sketchbook

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