Chapter Four: You're Not My Type

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I would've fought back to Raymond but what was the point? Plus I'm five-two in a half and he had the whole football team or what looks like the whole football team. But just because I couldn't fight back doesn't mean I can't annoy the holy crap out of him. So before he got to talking with his fist I stopped him

"Let me just take out my contact lenses" I paused as I tilted my head back

"Your eyes are fake?" He asked

"Nope. But I do need them to see. I'm glad I don't have to see your ugly face"

I've been through this before. Punch after punch, kick after kick, it isn't new. The only thing that was new was the fact that his punches are weaker. The gut was a hard blow but with each punch, I remembered something from middle school for when I was younger.

The grunts, the hate in their eyes, and the laughs. It's identical to what he had. Although they didn't look the same they would act the same.

"You idiots hit like nine-year-old girls" I coughed as I got into a crawling position only for someone to kick me in the stomach.  I could feel my lunch starting to rise up and luckily we were near the trash because I wasn't numb enough to get up and puke it all up.

"Stay in your place" Raymond growled

"Great. Declan's going to ask about the bruises when I get home" I mumbled as he started walking away with his friends

"Wait, what?" he asked stopping in his tracks and causing everyone else to stop

"Delcan Lynch? As in big and strong?" A guy asked as he fidgeted around for a while

"That's the one...I live with him" I grunted as I placed my back to the wall. Someone repeatedly smacked Raymond's shoulder as Raymond ran a hand through his hair. That hand ran down his face with a sigh

"Everyone leave. No one talk about this and definitely don't rat me out or you're next" 

With that everyone speed-walked away and the only two that were left were me and Raymond. He jabbed his foot into the ground before walking over, grabbing my arm and throwing it over his shoulder

"What are you doing?" I asked as he wrapped one arm around my back and the other under my knees so that he picked me up bridal style

"It's one thing to beat up someone that goes home to their parents and it's another to go home to Declan frickin Lynch. He'll kill me and I have a feeling he wouldn't care if he went to jail"

"Whatever" I huffed. I knew I didn't have a concussion but I did cough up a lot of blood that caused me to be a bit dizzy so I put my head on his chest. "Don't get all cozy on me. I don't need you falling in love with me"

"You're not my type" I mumbled as he opened a car door. He ducked down to place me in the passenger seat and closed the door before getting into the driver's seat. I grabbed my phone and put on GPS so that he could use it.

Before he started driving he looked at my face and opened the compartment box in front of me. He pulled out sunglasses and waved them in my face "Your face is turning black and blue" he hissed as I snatched the glasses.

We drove in silence and after a while, we ended up in front of the house at sunset. I quickly mumbled thanks before running into the house. When I walked in my eyes widen to see Mrs. and Mr. Lynch sitting on the couch with Declan, Jordan, Bennett, and Naomi.

"Mia, we were worried sick" Mr. Lynch sighed standing up.

A hot liquid started to rush up my throat and I ran up the stairs and into the bathroom to throw it up. I guess that kick had some aftermath to it. Not only that, it was hot so I took off my jacket but when I saw must of the bruises forming all over my skin my heart rate picked up and I started to think of him.

The way he would hurt me and then try to make it up to me. Will he be coming back? Did he really change? Was it the right thing to do to defend Naomi even if it meant that I got hurt my self?

Damn these lights are too bright. My heart feels like it wants to jump up and run away.

"Mia!" Mrs. Lynch called out as I speed walked to the room and locked it shut.

Alright, Mia, breath. You haven't had an attack since... Two years ago! Don't start now. Declan was knocking on the door but when I got up from the bed I started pacing around and tried to control my breathing. I stretched my arms and yawned as much as I could, I also continued to count to ten.

After a few minutes, I felt myself becoming calmer and decided I should probably go outside to get more air but if I go outside to face all of them there going to look at me like I'm sick or they'll get mad.

"Mia. If you don't open this door I'll finally put Jordan to some good use and have him pick the lock" Declan threatened

"I'm useful. I'm even more useful than you. I have the brains" I could hear the smirk on his lips tug from behind the door. I walked towards the window and estimated my fall. Which is barely anything because I can grab onto the edges.

I feel like I'm in a video game.

Do you want to run away again to avoid another attack?


Go out there to two angry foster parents, and four people that are acting like their worried about me.

I'll do what I do best. Runaway!

I put on my jacket and grabbed my bookbag and stuffed my phone, sketchbook, and pencils inside. Just as Bennett told Jordan and Declan to stop shouting I jumped out and onto the ground.

Follow my Instagram for spoilers, and updates! applesour_123

Follow my Instagram for spoilers, and updates! applesour_123

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