Chapter Thirteen: Bennett Knows Best?

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After school, we went to get food and headed over to Jordan's since he was on bed rest. He could walk just not too much or it's not going to get better. He was on the couch and sat up when his mother let us in.

"Well, I'll be in my room" Ann smiled as she walked away. I walked over and sat down on the couch. I put my arm on the armrest next to me and sighed

"We brought food," Bennett said as he placed the bag of food in front of Jordan

"How could you be so stupid!" Declan shouted

"What?! I'm Jordan what else do you want? A cookie and a pat on the head?!" Jordan yelled with a smile.

"He's not wrong" Naomi and Bennett mumbled in unison as I chuckled.

"I'm not a dog! You've hung out too much with Mia" Declan groaned

"Eat before Naomi and I split it for ourselves" I mumbled as I grabbed the bag and held it in front of him

"Why tell him? We could've just took it and left him to starve" Naomi mumbled as she moved to stand next to me.

"Sorry, I thought I could give him a chance since he is injured" I shrugged as Jordan laid down and put his head on my lap.

"Get up. You're not using her as a pillow" Declan said. I looked at the coffee table in front of us as I thought about the fall. I couldn't tell them what really happened and now I feel guilty at the fact he's in pain.

"Declan it's fine. He's hurt" I smiled as Jordan gave him a smug smile. "As for the food, you two could have it. My mom bought pizza before you guys came" Jordan yawned

"Gimme, gimme, gimme" Naomi and I giggled when I snatched the bag and opened it. Naomi took the burger and I took the three packs of fries.

"Anyway, Jordan explain to Mia how you hurt yourself," Bennett said as he reaches in the bag only for me to slap his hand away

"I bought those, I could eat it when I want"

"Don't test me when it comes to my food or I'll go Jersey style on your ass" I threatened as he looked to the side and walked to the one-man chair.

"Oh! I snuck out and fell out the window to do a top-secret mission for our gang" Jordan deadpanned as I laughed out

"Right, right" I nodded as I laughed out even more

"You, in a gang? sure" I added once I calmed down

"I could be in a gang!" Jordan shouted

"Sure. I believe Bennett being in one, even Declan but you?"

Jordan huffed as Declan started to laugh. "Stop laughing! I'm trying to sleep" Jordan shouted while he crossed arms. Me and Declan high-fived before I ruffed Jordan's hair "is Jordie angry?" I pouted

"I like the way you say it" he chuckled

"Now if Candice did-"

"Candice?" I asked as I looked down

"My fake ex-girlfriend. I still have nightmares" He sivered

"She called you Jordie?" I asked

"Yeah" They all nodded "But you can call me Jordie all you want because I like the way it just rolls off your tongue"

"You wanna know what else will roll-off? Your-"

Bennett stood up and patted Declan's shoulder twice before sitting him down on the ground.


I told Declan that I'll help Jordan with some of his homework and some work he needs to catch up with. He hesitated before leaving us alone with each other but Ann said she'll be watching us and then once he left she went back up in her room. But not before saying "Scream if you need help"

Jordan still had his head on my lap as I was reading a few things about history before he grabbed the book and placed it on the floor "You didn't go to school so now I have to teach you. Give me the book" I sighed as I held out my hand

"No. Let's watch a movie" He mumbled as he snuggled into my lap and turned on to his side with a groan.

"You missed school. You need to study"

"What I need is another date with you" He smiled

"Not until your back is healed" I sighed

"Fine. What about...You being my girlfriend?" He asked. I ran my fingers through his hair as he slowly closed his eyes "Answer my question" he mumbled

"Yes, but let's keep it a secret. If things get serious then we tell Bennett and Naomi and rule number one, even if we're dating for six years never tell Declan"

"Yes ma'am" he chuckled.

"Now try going to sleep maybe it'll fix your back" I sighed as he hummed. For a while, we watched a movie while I ran my fingers through his hair.

Declan came to pick me up which Jordan started to fake cry about. When I got in the car Declan stared at me "What did he do?" he asked

"We just studied, relax"

"That's what they all say"

"Drive!" I shouted. He laughed as he started the car "He hates working" I sighed

"He does but he's a good guy...Sometimes" he mumbled

"Plus I have nothing to worry about with you two. There's a bro code" he shrugged as I quickly looked in my bag for my phone.

Mia: There's a Bro Code! Are you kidding me Jordan!

Jordan: Well you aren't his sister yet soooo

Mia: And What will happened when I do become his sister!

Jordan: I am dating you before that so it doesn't technically count

Mia: Right

Mia: And technically it won't count when I kill you in your sleep because you didn't fight back

Jordan: rude

"Who are you texting?" Declan asked as he glanced at my phone

"Jordan. I thought I left a textbook at his place. I didn't" I lied straight through my teeth.


We stayed quite and I bit my lip. "Declan?" I called out randomly

"Yes Mia?"

"What were to happen if Jordan or Bennett break the bro code? I always wanted to know"

"I guess the code depends on the friendship. Bennett breaks it he has to pay a feed and if Jordan breaks it, I get to break his face and body"

"And if you broke it?"

"Well Jordan doesn't have a sister...That I know of and if I do break it some how, Jordan gets to prank me for a whole week, and Bennett gets to do whatever he wants like always"

"So it's always. Bennett knows best?" I laughed

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