Chapter Twelve: That Thing

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After the nice talk Jordan and I had we started heading back but we then actually thought about the fact Jordan not being able to walk. We both decided that Jordan would be staying in my room because he can't walk alone at night with a hurt back.

I sighed as I looked at Jordan that still had his hand on his back. "Are you sure you don't need a-"

"I'm fine" he whispered. I grabbed the ladder that was next to the tree and carefully placed it under my window

"I'll go up first, you hold the ladder, then you go and I'll help as much as I can"

He nodded his head as I start walking up the ladder even if I could get up without one but I didn't want Jordan to hurt himself even more.

"I gotta tell you. The view is the best thing in the world"

"Jordan!" I whispered yelled as I looked back to see him looking at the wall

"Joking" He smiled as I opened the window and put one foot in. I hopped in and held the top of the ladder as Jordan grunted his way up. I pressed my lips together as I tried to stop myself from laughing. When he reached the window I wrapped my arm around his chest and grabbed his back.

I pulled him forward causing him to wince. I stopped pulling and looked him in the eyes "Mia I'm fine. Just pull" he sighed as I nodded.




I pulled him forward as he fell on top of me "Ouch. I thought girls were supposed to be gentle" he groaned 

"And I thought little boys were lighter" I groaned as he pushed himself off. I stood up as I looked over Jordan's state. He was leading on his left side and his face looked in pain

"Why don't you lay down. I'll get water and pain killers" I whispered

"What about tomorrow? We have school. It's not like I want to go and I can fake me being there but still"

"Well you'll walk back down and walk back as if you walked here from your place or your mom dropped you off" I shrugged

"My bookbag?"

"You forgot it"

"Why would I came here in the morning?"

"Use Jordan charm"

"Pain killers princess. I need them" He groaned as I walked out. I went downstairs and quietly grabbed what I needed. I walked back upstairs and gave Jordan the water

"This...This is what I get for trying to be romantic" he groaned

"To be fair it wasn't that romantic" I mumbled

"Do you just say anything that comes to mind?" He asked as he laid down. I looked up and then started to nod "Pretty much"

He smiled as he ran his hands through my hair "It's soft" he whispered. "Shush up. Go to sleep. Maybe it'll help"

"Whatever you say, my nurse" he smirked


Jordan had gone out in the morning before Bennett pulled up. He walked up with his back straight, although he was still really sore and couldn't move side to side. Nobody noticed that Jordan didn't have his bookbag and asked if he going to skip school.

Let me just tell you how it went

"Did you finally decide that school can't even help you?" Declan asked as I sat in the front with Bennett. Naomi sat in the middle of Jordan and Declan.

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