14 Everything goes to hell

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Yay, I'm back!I'm so happy! The first chapter was posted almost a year ago (May 15th). So we are celebrating an anniversary here. So glad there are people out there, reading and enjoying this story. I love you guys!

 P.S: Oh, and this chapter might seem a bit strange but I promise everything makes sense in the end. 


Blood. Everywhere. On his hands, his clothes, his face.

His heart was racing like a falling star. All went down. Not to earth but straight to hell.

What had he done?

What the hell had he just done?

A sharp gasp reached Cole's ear and it took him way too long to realize that it was his own shaking breath he heard.

The cold river water bit his hands and made him shiver, but brought him finally back into reality. The dull feeling of wool inside his head disappeared gradually and left him with pure horror and shock. How on earth could this have happened? Where had been the point when everything went wrong?

He couldn't remember.

He just didn't know.


His gaze darted up and met icy blue eyes that watched him with concern.

"I didn't mean it," he whispered and felt the blood leaving his face. "It wasn't my intention to ... to ..."

"I know." Zane turned away and contemplated the narrow clearing with concern. "It's not save here. We should go."

"But where to?"

"Yeah? Where to?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

Cole whirled around and went pale. Kai the blacksmith was casually leaning against a tree trunk and held an gigantic hammer in his hands. He looked calm but his eyes reminded Cole of burning coals.

"I ..." Cole whispered and closed his eyes. "I don't know ..."

~~~ Earlier that day ~~~

"It's not my fault your missi is such a whore."

Cole's smile froze and his fists were clenched. He knew he had to stay calm and that he had to ignore Nardakhan's disgusting attempts of making him infuriated. He knew it! But he didn't know how. And, more important: what to do instead. He had had the naive hope of talking to him; making clear that he should stay far away from his family. But Nardakhan wasn't the type of person one could simply talk to and expect him to be reasonable.

"Keep your mouth shut, Nardakhan!" he gnarled, still starring at the wooden planks in front of him. The dirty little hut felt like a wooden prison, nipping all his hopes in the bud.

"Why?" The mercenary leaned back with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a cocky smile on his lips. "I'm just telling the truth. Your little wivey had a lot going on in her hut in the woods. The priest, the blacksmith, even his sister and an other man I don't know. And those were only the lovers I saw. Who knows how many there really are, huh?" He wiggled with his eyebrows.

Oh, how good it must have feel to clash his fist into this ugly face. But no. He had to stay calm. For Jay!

"It's none of your business what my wive did or did not do."

"Ah," he made and pointed at Cole. "Sure, it wasn't until the point she had the audacity to marry you and then tried to seduce me."

"Stop lying. She –"

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