07 Confession

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As time passed by, Cole got used to be greeted by Jay, kneeling in the garden and taking care of their little flower paradise when he arrived at home after work. He loved that Jay finally felt comfortable enough to come out of her room to do something that seemed to make her happy. But the best part was, that they had found a shared hobby they could talk about in the evenings. It almost felt familiar to talk to Jay, sitting in front of the fireplace and sipping tea. It reminded Cole of the old days when his parents were still alive.

He really felt, that he and Jay had become more close during the past weeks, although there had been some strange situations, that had left both of them flustered and nervous. Something like little touches while handing over an object or the sudden silence when they were accidentally closer to each other than intended. But at the same time there were various little gestures between them to please each other. So, after Jay had mentioned he always wanted to own some chicken, Cole had built a chicken house and had bought three chicken at the market. Jay on the other hand provided food every evening and took care of the household. Cole hadn't expected her to do so, but he was thankful for the help. It made his life a lot easier. But the best thing ever was, that Jay had baked a lot of cakes and cookies for him. Whenever he wanted some, there was something in the cupboard. Oh, he couldn't tell how much he loved that!

Nevertheless, this evening had ended a bit abrupt since he had left the kitchen straight after dinner. During work, a drunkard had attacked him with a stool. His head and shoulder ached a lot. He felt a bit dizzy and the piercing pain wouldn't let him rest. But a few minutes after he had laid down, there was a gentle knock on his door. Jay stood in front of it. She wore a wide shirt and, to Cole's surprise, trousers.

"May I come in?" she asked

When he nodded, she entered the room, but stayed awkwardly in front of his bed, holding a small pot in her hand. "I uhm ..." she cleared her throat. "I've been at my old house a few days ago and brought some of my things over. I have some ointment that could help you with your shoulder, if you want to."

Cole was baffled. "I didn't know you left the house."

Jay's cheeks glowed red and her voice rose a bit when she said: "And I didn't know that I have to ask for your permission." 

"Of course you don't have to. I was just surprised! I mean, you're not my prisoner."

"No, not any longer, huh?"

They both glared at each other for a few seconds, but Cole couldn't help but chuckle and Jay reciprocated it. "Yeah, fortunately no longer. So, if you'd really help me?" Cole asked. "But I can't lift my arm or take off my shirt." He demonstrated it by lifting his arm a bit and stopped when the pain shot through his shoulder.

"No worries, I'll help you!" Jay sat down next to him and helped him unlacing the laces on his shirt. 

It was a strange feeling to be helped undressing by someone and Cole tried to ignore that he was all flustered. Instead he thought desperately about something to chat. "So you, uhm, you are wearing trousers now?"

"Yes, I felt like it this evening."

"Does that mean you feel more like a man now?"

Jay hesitated while applying the ointment on his shoulder and gave him a quick glance. "Something like that, yes."

"Does it change something for you? Do you feel much different? I mean, tell me if that's too personal. I'm just curious."

A heavy sigh left Jay, but she smiled nevertheless. "It changes some things but I'm still Jay. I'm not a different person, but at the same time some things are different. I know, it must sound pretty silly."

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