15 How secrets are created

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The sound of merrily rippling water invaded Cole's thoughts and rang as bright as a bell in his ears. It reminded him of something but he was way too tired to remember. Or to listen to the nagging little voice that demanded him to get up. He lifted a hand and tried to shove the intruder away, but he didn't catch him.

"I beg you, wake up!" the voice insisted again.

Just another minute, was everything he thought but the nasty little man showed no mercy. He was constantly shouting and at one point Cole realized that something seemed off. It was strange, that he couldn't see anything. But ... Wait! Ah, yes! His eyes were closed.

He decided to throw a quick glance at the annoying person before he went to sleep again. Damn, it was so bright that he could barely see anything. But he recognized someone. It felt like an eternity until he identified them as Pater Zane. But why was he constantly nagging und shouting here, in Cole's bedroom. How strange!

He rolled over on his side and was surprised when he felt grass under his cheek and smelled the earthy odor of the forest. "What?" he murmured and lifted himself up in a half sitting position.

"Thanks good you're finally awake!"

Cole still couldn't grasp why he sat in the middle of the forest, so he just stared at Zane and shook his head. That was something he instantly regretted when a sudden and flashing white pain rushed through his brain. He closed his eyes with a groan and asked once more: "What?"

"Are you okay?" The pater sounded scared.

And to be honest Cole wasn't quite sure if he was okay. So he just ignored the question and tried to remember why he was laying on the ground, but everything was blurry and dark. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I was on my way to Dareth's farm. They asked me to visit the old man who's living with him."

Cole grunted and shook his head. It seemed like Pater Zane wasn't any help.

"You're bleeding."


The blonde pointed at Cole's head and when he touched his forehead, he felt a dull ache. "Ouch!" he muttered and looked down on his bloodstained fingers.

The pater frowned and his icy blue eyes scanned the little hut, and the forest. "I guess you weren't alone," he finally stated. "You had a fight, don't you?" The cold eyes returned to Cole and somehow he seemed nervous. "Is Jay safe?"

"Jay? Why shouldn't she ..." It almost hit him like a hammer. "No ... Oh no!" He got on his feet and ignored the dizziness that threatened to overwhelm him. "I have to find her!"

He felt like he was losing his mind. What the heck had he done? What had he been thinking? He still didn't know what exactly happened. Just, that something in his brain had snapped. He hadn't thought about the consequences or about the danger he put Jay into by confronting Nardakhan on his own. But now it was too late for thinking. He had already messed up!

"Cole!" Zane's voice was a bit higher than usual and his eyes were widened. The fact that he called him by his first name shocked Cole somehow. He realized that he had scared the pater. Ironically, that was what brought himself back to his senses.

"Pater, I had a fight with Nardakhan. He had attacked Jay!"

"Where is she now?"

"I told her to stay at home."

No more words were needed. Both men turned around and run back to the hangman's house.

It wasn't that far away but when they arrived, Cole felt as if he had run a marathon and his wild beating heart didn't have a rest when he discovered that Jay was not at home. Sure, he didn't find any hints that Nardakhan had been there, but he was still full of fear. His heart ached and his head was spinning. What had happened? Where was Jay?

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