08 Progress

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"Do you still prefer he and him today?"

It was the next morning and Jay sat behind Cole on his bed and treated him with some of the ointment from last night. "Yes. I'm still gonna wear a dress today, though, because I have to buy some groceries."

"I see."

"Uhm ... maybe we can have lunch together?"

Cole's heart leaped for joy. "Really? You'd really come and visit me at work? I thought you'd never want to see this building ever again."

A little giggle left Jays throat and he gently tilted Cole's head to him by laying a hand under his chin. "Why? The worst thing that happened to me there was, that they cut my hair. I mean, everything else wasn't quite a pleasure but I think I got over it."

"Your hair, yes", growled Cole. "I'm still mad about that."

"So am I", Jay whispered and scooted a bit closer. "But it'll grow again. No worries." His fingers moved to Cole's cheek, then to his hair, gently stroking it. "I guess you'd look great with a ponytail.

"Y... you think so?" he asked breathlessly, twisting his upper body a little bit more towards Jay. He had already noticed, that Jay seemed to seek physical contact and he was way more flirty than ever before. Although he wasn't quite sure why, he appreciated this sudden change of mind.

"Mhm." Jay raised another hand and started to tie Cole's hair into a ponytail. When he stopped, he looked at him and smiled. "You really look stunning. I'm sure you'd have every girl in town after you."

Cole smirked. "I doubt it and thank you, but I'm not interested. I don't want any girl!"

"So?" Jay let go of his hair. He smiled and his cheeks were pink. "What else do you want?"

Cole couldn't take his eyes off Jay and he was pretty sure that the other man tried to flirt with him but he was too anxious to be straight forward. What if he was wrong? What if Jay just tried to be friendly and he misinterpreted this into something more? His heart pounded strong against his rips and his palms felt wet, when he decided to push his luck a little bit. He leaned his forehead against Jay's and whispered: "If you want me to wear a ponytail I'll do it for you, but not for others."

A soft whimper came over Jay's lips. "You ... you really would?"

Instead of answering, Cole moved his head a bit to the side and pressed his lips gently on Jay's. The other man gasped, but when Cole tried to pull back, Jay's fingers moved to Cole's nape and didn't let him go.

He noticed that Jay breathed more strongly and his digits trembled slightly, but just when he was about to say something reassuring, he felt Jay's lips again. A gentle, questioning kiss, asking for more.

Ignoring his aching shoulder, Cole put his arms around the other man, pulled him closer and responded to his tentative kiss. Although he had planned not to rush anything, he felt that Jay was waiting for him to take the initiative and so he did. His tongue tapped against Jays lips and his hands moved a bit down to his hips. Jay whimpered again but opened his mouth willingly. Their tongues danced gently and Cole released a tiny moan. Everything felt hot and thousands of tiny butterflies seemed to flutter through his body, beginning at his tongue, ending at his toes. He felt like in those weird dreams he had had as a child. Those dreams where he climbed at the top of the highest mountains, or where he was able to spread his arms and fly through the sky, together with the falcons and eagles. Everything felt so surreal but wonderful at the same time!

Far too quickly the moment had passed and their lips parted. Jay's face was flushing red and he breathed heavily. "That was," he interrupted himself and slid back a little, but he didn't seem to mind that Cole's hands still lay on his hips.

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