20 Nocturnal visits

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It was in the middle of the night but Cole and Jay had hardly gotten any sleep. Though, the baby wasn't the problem. It slept most of the time and only after Jay had woken it up, it took a few sips of milk and went right back to sleep. That was normal, Pixal had told them, since the baby was tired from the whole birth experience. The real reason why they hadn't slept at all was, that they were discussing whether or not to keep the little one with them. Cole was skeptical since he didn't know anything about children and child care in particular but Jay assured him she knew enough to start this adventure.

In the end they agreed on waiting a couple of days before settling for a decision. But even after that they couldn't get a good night's sleep since suddenly someone was banging on the door, interrupting their dreams violently long before sunrise.

"We have to escort you to the castle Master Hence," one of two guards in front of the main entrance said quickly and without any greetings, after Cole had opened the door.

"What could be so important that it couldn't wait until tomorrow?" he gnarled, but a nagging feeling told him, something was off.

"Can't tell ya. I just know Earl Garmadon is looking for you."

"And your wife," the other guard added.

"My wife? And can I put on my pants or does the earl prefer to inspect my underwear?"

The guards gave him a look and shrugged. "Just be quick."

Cole felt so uneasy and nervous that he almost tripped over his own feet on his way back to the bedroom. By the time he arrived, Jay had started to dress herself. The baby was still sound asleep but Jay had already prepared a blanket and a bottle of milk to take with them.

"We should hurry," he said. "I told you it's a bad idea to keep the baby."

Jay shrugged. "Maybe he changed his mind and just wants to see his offspring?"

"Possibly." Cole noticed the little signs that told him, that today his wife would be his husband. For a stranger it might not be possible to see the difference, but Cole had learned how to listen to the soft undertone in Jay's voice, his slightly different posture and gaze. At first he had thought, he might imagining things but after a couple of month he just knew how to interpret his spouse's feelings or appearance without asking.

His husband brushed his hair and Cole helped him braiding the soft auburn mane. It was anything but perfect but they could hear the guards walking around in the living room and that was something Cole really hated: visitors who felt too comfortable in his house. But nevertheless, there was something he had to take care of first.

"Jay, listen!" Cole stood in front of his husband and put his hands on Jay's shoulders. "Whatever happens next: I want you to know that you are my priority. I won't risk my life for that child. I know how important it is for you, but if he demands to ... do something ... just promise me, you'll stand back."

Jay went pale and his huge eyes looked at him in horror. "You wouldn't ..."

"Jay, if I have to choose, I'll always choose you. Do you understand?"

Jay nodded but he picked the baby up and pressed it gently against his chest. Almost as if he could protect it from everything that way.

"Master Hence? What's taking you so long?" One of the guards yelled.

Cole snorted and left the room, followed by his spouse carrying the baby.

The guards blinked in confusion when they came down the stairs. "Oh I didn't even know you were expecting. Congratulations!" The man smiled and Jay nodded silently.

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