Chapter 11 - Finally

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[Cat's POV]

He pushes into me. Roughly. Deeply. Without warning.

My walls stretch around him as he fills me and I moan loudly. The guards - hell, the whole mansion - can probably hear me but I don't give a single shit.

"Fuck... Cat..." He moves his hand to grip my neck tightly as he thrusts into me and my nails dig into the bed sheets.

Holy shit, he feels good...

Is this what it's supposed to feel like?!

I have never found pleasure in anyone's touch before. I never wanted them to be inside me. I only used my body to use them.

This is different... he isn't giving me anything in return besides him. And I don't seem to care right now...

"Caterina," I correct him and I can practically feel his smirk as he pushes further into me.

"Caterina," he repeats. My full name sounds so good rolling off his tongue.

"God, don't stop..." I groan as his hand moves to the back of my head and pushes my face down into the sheets. This side of him is so hot. Dominating me. Pulling on my hair but pushing my head somehow at the same time. Complete control over me. And I give it to him. Gladly.

"Harder!" I moan and he grunts, moving quicker in and out of me. The deep, sexy sound sends waves through me, bringing me so close to my release.

"Not. Yet." He moans between the words as he somehow gets even deeper, reading my mind.

His hand lifts from my head and I gasp for more air as he grips my ankle and spins me around, pushing back into me. He stares down at me with lust-filled eyes I can't look away from. His big rough hands grab my breasts, applying just enough pressure and keeping them from bouncing as he rocks in and out of me.

"Ugh!" I wrap my hands around his forearms, digging my nails in his arms. He watches me as he thrusts. His primal animalistic stare as he looks over my naked body on display for him is almost too much. I have been pent up for too long with him. Fuck, I'm close... I need to... but he won't let me...

"Enzo..." I beg him and let out a yelp and arch my back and his fingers find my clit and start circling. Finally.

I feel his earth-shattering, massive cock hit the right spot and my eyes squeeze shut as I fight with everything I have not to finish before he says. I don't know if I can last...

"Let go," he pants and it's all I need to give up my fight and ride out my high as his name leaves my lips in a long drawled out breath. I feel him tense in me halfway through my ecstasy and he releases loudly, deep into me, filling me completely.

When we both come back down to earth, he pulls out and yanks me up to sit in front of him on the bed. I look up to him, trying to slow my panting, and he smirks.

No. Not a smirk. A smile. A big one.

"I wish I had fucked you days ago. The night we met. Fuck..." He runs his left hand down his stubble and off his cheek. He looks happy... content. I guess the guys at the club did too after, but this feels different. I'm actually glad I pleased him...

"You had rules. I respect that." I smirk up to him and he chuckles.

"Screw all the rules now." A familiar glint returns to his eye and I grin knowingly.

I look down and - oh... he's hard again. Ready for round two already?

"Always ready for you. Since I first saw you." He says in a low voice, running his thumb lightly down my cheek, sending chills through my body.

"Me too." I breathe out as his eyes fixate on my lips. "Even though I tried to fight it." I add, my pulse quickening as I watch him watch me.

"Don't." He whispers and I blink at him, confused. I can't focus, I have no idea what we were even talking about now. I have one thought and one thought only...

"Don't fight it." He clarifies and meets my eyes with his own, lust and desperation begging me to give in to this. Us.

"I don't think I could even if I wanted to now." I reply honestly and he grins, pleased.

"So you won't need any other visitors in here, then?" He says in a lustful tone as he tries to distract me by running his thumb over my cheekbone, but his hopeful eyes reveal his real thoughts.

He's still upset by my outburst? How could he think I want anyone else here, especially after what he just did to me... with me...

"Come here." I tug at his hand and he lets me pull him on to the bed beside me as I lift up and move my right leg over to straddle him. I look down, staring deep into his eyes so he knows how serious I am.

"I'm not going to have any of your men in here. Not for this." I drag my hand down his torso and his eyes widen and darken.

"They all want you," he says matter of factly and I roll my eyes. For someone so macho and tough, he sure is insecure about me being with someone else. Who did this to him?

"So?" I lean down and kiss down his chest and stomach, peering up at him watching me as I move lower. His hard on presses against my slits, trying to distract me while I work on distracting him.

"Even with my threats, they will still try. The only one you might be fine with is Anthony... even he has to think about it." He mumbles, trailing off as he stares up at the ceiling with a frown, lost in his made up visions in his head.

I run my tongue painfully slowly back up his torso. He inhales sharply and looks back down to watch my mouth glide against him. That got his attention.

"I promise you, Enzo." I say when I get to his mouth. "I won't. Trust me."

His conflicted eyes search my face as I feel his hand move between my legs. Impatient, I see.

He positions himself at my opening and I slide down on to his awaiting dick. His eyes roll back a little as I lean back and he reaches deeper than any position before. His big firm hands find my hips and I let him move me as he wishes as I watch his insecurity fade away and become overtaken with the pleasure I can't help but love to give him.

Author's Note:

A lot of smut in this chapter, but I felt like they waited long enough! Hope you guys liked this... I'm new to writing these scenes so it really will only get better from here!

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