Chapter 30 - Solo

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[Daria's POV]

Within a fifteen feet radius around Enzo's room, you can always hear them. Or Caterina's room as well, I guess, when they are in there, but that is getting rarer and rarer these days. Today they are in his.

"Enzo!" I can hear Caterina's giggle clearly from the stairs as I climb them. I can picture her beautiful young face smiling. It makes me smile too.

"Let me tie it." Enzo's voice booms, but there is a difference in it than usual. He sounds younger somehow, with a calmness that was not there before. He's happy with her. I think he finally met his match. That makes me eons beyond thrilled. He deserves a little happiness, that boy. Well, I guess he isn't a boy anymore... he is a younger version of his father now.

I hear Caterina giggle again. "I have to meet Daria. Unhand me, sir!"

It's funny hearing someone else order him around. No one else would dare, even me to an extent since he took over as the head of the organization. But she does it constantly and he almost always follows her willingly. Like a lost puppy dog. She is his whole world right now.

I wait at the top of the stairs against the railing, knowing his rules for people to go near his room. I will not intrude.

The door opens a minute later and they both burst through it. Caterina wears a black silk halter top tied around her neck and dark blue jeans, looking beautiful as always, and Enzo wears his signature fully black suit and tie.

I know from where I am, I can see them but they won't see me for a few seconds. I watch as he snakes his arm around her waist, bringing her close as he often does. She pretends to resist him, but I can tell she likes it. I have been around long enough to know.

"When will you be back?" Enzo asks, staring down at her and they both stop walking just before where they would have seen me.

She reaches up and adjusts his black tie, smirking up to him.

"Whenever we decide." She replies daringly, challenge in her bright eyes. Her boldness always shocks me. But I guess with the way he looks at her, it shouldn't, she could get away with saying anything to him it seems.

"That is not an answer." He counters and I have to agree with him.

"That is my answer." She states matter-of-factly and he sighs, giving up. She chuckles, knowing she won, and brushes her lips against his lightly. Now I feel awkward watching them like this...

"Late afternoon." She says to placate him. I think I see relief in his eyes.

"Fine." He replies slowly.

I don't understand the point of their banter. I don't understand what they even are to each other. He brought her here as an employee...

I guess their relationship will always confuse and bewilder me, but who am I to judge? As long as he is happy and safe, that is all that matters.

But I have also come to care for Caterina as well. And if she was in trouble and wanted to leave tomorrow, I would help her. I know that deep down, however much it would hurt him.

I clear my throat and step forward into their view.

"Hello, dear." I smile at her and then turn to Enzo. "Enzo." I say as way of greeting.

Caterina's eyes meet mine and she smiles her beautiful grin. Oh, what I would give to be young again and look like that...

"Hey, are you ready?" She asks and I nod warmly.

Enzo nods to me, which for him is the equivalent of Cat's warmness. It's funny, considering where she came from, how warm she can be, or maybe that's just me being judgmental.

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