Chapter 9 - Interrupted

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[Cat's POV]

Enzo's tongue moves in my mouth deliciously as I press my body against his. His frame fits perfectly around mine. If I ever needed to feel safe in someone's arms, this would be the right person.

I feel his rough hand move down from my neck towards the hem of my short dress slowly. Agonizingly slow. My heart beat races in my chest as his hand brushes over the inside of my thigh and I gasp into his mouth slightly, making him smirk against my lips.

"You act like you've never been touched before." He says in a deep tone as he lifts his head from mine and stares down at me. I already miss his lips on mine.

I blush a little under his gaze and don't reply. I buck my hips slightly into his instead and he smirks, getting my hint.

"Eager?" He grins wickedly up at me as his mouth trails down the front of my dress. His left hand reaches up to cup my breast as my breathing hitches in my throat and his nose moves under my dress. He blows softly against me and I gasp again, my back arching instinctively. His hand moves to press firmly down on my stomach, bringing my back onto the bed again.

I squirm impatiently and moan. "Enz-" I get cut off by knocking on his door, making us both freeze.

"What?" Enzo barks out in a clipped tone. His eyes are hardened now and very annoyed. We both are. This was just getting good.

"Sorry sir, but all of the lady's bags are in her room. Daria is waiting there for her." The driver from before speaks loudly through the door.

"Fuck." Enzo swears like he just remembered something and climbs off my panting mess of a body, standing and straightening up his white button down shirt from when I pulled the bottom out of his pants roughly moments before.

"Who's Daria?" I breathe out and sit up disappointedly.

He frowns and holds out his hand to me to help me off his bed. I guess this isn't happening then... right now, at least.

"Your maid." He replies and my mouth drops open. A maid?!

"I don't need a maid!"

He ignores my refusal and ushers us towards the door. "She's a nice woman. Older. Kind. She will help you with whatever you want or need here. For anything you don't want to ask me for. Although, I do want you to come to me with anything while you are here..."

I look up to meet his soft eyes briefly before he opens the door and the Don version of Enzo comes back out in front of his men.

"You know not to come here, Anthony." He says quietly to the man beside him as I follow behind them down the hallway. Neither seem to remember I am here.

The man blanches and then tries to recollect himself. "Sorry sir, I just thought you would like the reminder. I didn't mean to interrupt." His tone is sincere and genuine, but also respectful. Even though Anthony is clearly older than Enzo by a decade or two, he seems to really respect and look up to him. He must be his right hand man. They seem closer than the others. I think I like this one. He doesn't stare at me like a customer from the club, not like I noticed some of the others do.

"You didn't interrupt." Enzo replies blankly, both confusing and slightly hurting my feelings at the same time. Which infuriates me too. How am I letting him hurt my feelings? I have never cared about anyone else's words before... why start now... when did I even get feelings?

"You wanted her things in her room, right? Not in yours?" Anthony asks hesitantly, probably unsure what I was doing in there. Well, he probably knows what. He knows exactly who I am and where I am from. I remember he was there outside the night we all met. We both look at Enzo, waiting for a reply.

"Right." He replies quietly and I don't know if I am happy or upset by the answer. Fuck, a half hour in this mansion and I'm already conflicted and confused by what this all means.

We walk into my bedroom at the end of the hall and both men step to the opposite side, revealing a woman standing between them. She's around 50. Not as old as Enzo made her sound. Her dark brown hair makes her appear younger but I can see the wrinkles in her forehead and the corner of her eyes which reveal her true age. Either way, she is beautiful. I wonder how she ended up here, working for a mafia leader. Well, I guess how did I end up here? I have no idea...

"Hello dear, I'm Daria." She steps forward and wraps her arms around my shoulders lightly. My eyes widen slightly, unsure what to do. Enzo must see this because he clears his throat immediately and Daria lets go.

"Hi, I'm Cat." I reply and feel my cheeks flush as the whole room watches me. I'm used to it at the club, but it's different here. Foreign and intimate. Unknown.

She smiles warmly at me and I try to relax. Enzo takes a step toward my side and places his right hand on the back of my forearm, angling his body to talk to Daria, whose eyes follow his hand. The small contact is enough to make me more comfortable in this new strange setting and I'm grateful to him for that, whether it was deliberate or not.

"Cat will be working with us at least a year." He says plainly to Daria and Anthony, although I think it's just for my benefit. They seem to already know. "She will have anything she wants while here. If I am not around and she asks either of you for anything, you help her. No questions asked." He pauses to look at each of them and they nod silently.

"Daria, you will help her in here and around the house if needed. Anthony, your lessons with her start tomorrow morning." I look quickly to Anthony and he ignores me and nods to Enzo knowingly of something I don't understand. I was never told about lessons. "Danny will be her driver and his lessons start with her the day after tomorrow."

I look back at Enzo, fully confused now. He ignores me too.

"A schedule will be made. Daria, you will make sure she has what she needs here for any clothing needed for these. Anything not already here, buy it."

Daria nods again and I stare into the side of Enzo's handsome but crazy face.

"I don't need you to buy me anything else. This is more than any one person needs. Don't waste your money on me." I keep looking at him but he doesn't reply or acknowledge I even spoke. His only response is the slight tense in his jaw and him blinking at Daria and Anthony.

I sigh and turn my attention to Daria in front of me. She tries to hide her smile as she looks down toward the ground. Is she happy with me? Amused? Laughing at me? I can't tell which.

"Anthony, there will be a guard outside her room each night she sleeps in here. Nobody enters beside Daria and me ever, unless I say otherwise. Which I likely won't." Anthony nods and opens his mouth to reply probably something like "yes sir" but I cut him off angrily.

"No." I say firmly, taking a step back out of Enzo's grip on my arm and staring at him. I hear Daria's sharp intake of breath, but I ignore it. "No guards. I won't be watched like a prisoner. You promised me that I wouldn't be one. I won't accept guards. No. I will have anyone in here I please."

As soon as I say the last sentence, I know I went too far. He will definitely take it the wrong way.

And I'm right. He does.

Author's Note:

Super excited about this story omg

Check out my other books if you have time too xo

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