Chapter 32 - Call

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Rarely do I wake up before Enzo in the morning. Almost exclusively never. I can only think of once - now twice.

I admire him while I have the chance, uninterrupted by his dirty mouth or hands distracting me when he's conscious.

He's on his usual side of the bed, detached from me other than his right arm under my neck. The white linen sheets are bunched at his hips, revealing his rippling muscles and toned abs that he works out every morning to maintain.

His eyelids flutter a little. He must be dreaming. His perfect jaw clenches as I feel him tense through his arm under me. Something tells me this isn't a good dream.

Even while having a nightmare, he is still gorgeous. He is perfect. In all ways. How he looks. How he treats me. How he rules the organization. How he makes me feel...

I never thought I would meet someone like him. Truthfully, I don't know exactly what my end goal was at the strip club. I guess I thought - or rather, I was trained to think - that if I gathered enough intel and secrets that could be used as leverage, I could have more or be more. What exactly, I don't know. It made sense at the time.

But then I met him. That night I watched him kill that man for raping a girl, everything changed. I found someone who understood it... my form of justice. And without even knowing what made me this way, he accepted it - and me. He trained me to perfect my skills and use them to my - and his - advantage. Yes, I would do anything or hurt anyone he wanted me to, but he doesn't make me do anything to innocents. It's like he knows that boundary without me saying it. So I never have.

I could withstand his touch, too. No, I craved it. I still do. I never thought I would find that in any man.

Danny thinks Enzo is whipped... he's nothing compared to me. I never saw myself with one man, for any amount of time over a night in my private room - until now. And Enzo's stupid insecurity blinds him from seeing that fact.

God, if my aunt could see me now... smitten and loyal to Lorenzo Colombo, leader of the Colombo mafia organization...

Honestly, she would probably shoot me herself.

"Why are you laughing?"

I jump a little, startled by Enzo's groggy voice, lost in my own head and heart.

Was I laughing? I didn't realize. I must have woke him.

I smile and move my hand slowly up his torso. "Just thinking about how far I've come this past month and a half."

He rubs his eyes and then stares at me, a little more awake now. "How so?" He asks, scrunching up his cute nose in confusion.

"Just... mentally I guess. It was an adjustment coming here from the club. A very different day to day. And a different motive for why."

Enzo sits up a little, leaning his head back against the head board. His arm still rests under my neck, however uncomfortable it probably is for him to sit like this, but he makes no effort to move it.

"To be honest, I'm surprised you came here." He admits. My least favourite look reappears on his frowning face.

"Me too." I admit honestly. "But I had a good reason."

That peaked his interest... "What was it?"

I plant a small kiss on his forearm beside my face.


A smile plays along his pink lips as he stares down at me. "You barely knew me a few days then, still don't really. I could murder you."

I laugh - I can't help it. It's like we are having deja vu.

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