Chapter 23 - Now

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[A few days later]

I stand outside the large office doors pacing, debating whether to knock. I don't want to bug him while he is working, but I'm restless in this big house alone. There are people everywhere - his men and house staff and Daria - but really, I'm alone. And I'm used to that, but at least at the club I could distract myself. Here, my thoughts are deafening when left alone too long.

I tap my fists against the door and Enzo's deep voice yells to come in. He sounds distracted and busy... maybe this was a mistake. Fuck, too late now.

I open the large wooden door and peek in. He is sitting behind his desk with his head resting on his fist, his elbow on the table holding it up, reading over papers. Instead of his normal white dress shirts, he has on a navy blue one that shows off his bicep muscles. He looks hot, as usual.

His eyebrows furrow as he concentrates.

"I'll come back." I say quietly and he looks up quickly, his expression changing completely as he realizes it's me, giving me a sliver of hope.

"No." He shakes his head and I smile, walking into the large room further.

"Are you busy?" I ask in an innocent voice, knowing very well he is, but maybe he isn't too busy for me.

"Only a little. What's wrong?" His voice edges with concern and I smile, shaking my head.

"Just bored." I admit with a playful smirk. "I was going to cook, do you want anything?"

"If you're cooking, yes." He grins and moves his chair back, holding his arm out for me to come over.

I walk closer to him and he pulls me down on to his lap, facing away from him, his mouth just under my ear. I can't help but giggle as he wraps his arms around me and squeezes.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask, leaning back against his chest.

"You." He says softly into my ear and chills run down my spine from his warm breath. I know he notices, from him stiffening underneath me.

I move my hips a little, teasing him. A small groan escapes his throat and instantly sends shockwaves down to my core.

"You have work to do." I remind him as his hand moves lower to the top of my black jeans. "I'll... I'll bring you food." I'm a panting mess, my words barely audible as he undoes the top button.

"No. I want it now." He growls into my ear, his chin rested on my shoulder.

I gasp involuntarily as his hand slips into my waistband and down my soaking panties.

"Always so wet for me." He whispers, just for me to hear.

Which reminds me...

"Enzo," I pant, trying to get up but his hands keep me glued to him. But I guess I'm really not fighting that hard against him either. "The door is open..." I remind him as his index finger circles against me, making my back arch and the back of my head dig further against him.

"Do you think I care?"

"I do." I pant, but the truth is I'm caring less and less the quicker his fingers go.

I grip his arms tightly, my nails digging into his skin as the pleasure and pressure builds, but he doesn't seem to notice my nails.

"Fuck," I gasp as one finger enters me.

He chuckles lightly, vibrating against my back.

"Quiet, baby." He says against my neck, planting a small kiss just under my jaw. It sends me even more wild.

"I thought you didn't care?" I challenge him sarcastically and then moan as he bites down on my shoulder, not hard enough to hurt but just enough to feel the opposite.

"But you do." He reminds me mockingly.

His left hand squeezes my breast roughly as his right hand fingers build my pleasure up to the peak. I'm close. So close.

Just one more second. I need him to say it.

"Now." He commands, knowing my body better than I thought.

His left hand instantly covers my mouth as I let go, letting the pleasure overtake my whole mind. I moan into his hand, arching my back in the air as my head tilts back against him. I try to stay quiet but I can't. Thank god for his hand. Both of them.

"Fucking beautiful." I hear him moan as he surely watches me come undone. He loves to watch.

As I come back to reality, he lets go of my mouth and retrieves both hands, smoothing my hair down as he leans back against the chair. I slow my breathing back to normal and turn sideways on his lap to look at him.

"What was that for?" I grin.

He shrugs, watching me with a more serious look than I would like. I thought we were having fun...

"Just missed you." He says quietly, tucking a hair behind my ear. I stare at his perfect face as my heart clenches in my chest in a foreign way. I'm not used to this. I have never felt this way before.

Before I can reply, Anthony interrupts.

"Boss?" He calls out in his deep voice as he walks in the office. "Oh... I didn't know. I'll come back." He stammers when he sees me on Enzo's lap.

I smile up to him, winking to mess with him. His cheeks flush. It's so easy. Almost too easy. He's such a prude. At least here at work, he wasn't as bad at the club that night. Kasiah told me he tipped well. Unlike Enzo, he took advantage of the private rooms that first night.

Enzo tenses under me, but doesn't move his hand from my waist so I stay seated.

"What do you want?" He looks up at him, somewhat annoyed but it doesn't seem to phase Anthony. He is used to Enzo's rude way of speaking.

Anthony's eyes flicker to mine for a second and Enzo sighs, gripping my waist tighter. "You can say it in front of her." He commands and Anthony nods.

"John is in the car. They picked him up in the airport parking lot. No cameras, I had them check."

I have no idea what any of that means.

"Good. We are coming now." Enzo says firmly and I look at him, confused. We?

"We... sir?" Anthony says, echoing my thoughts.

Enzo looks to me with a gleam in his eye that makes me smile instantly. He has something planned...

"Food has to wait. Ready for some action?"

"Always." I grin.

I can tell my boredom is ending tonight.

Author's Note:

Is there too much smut in the book now lol

More plot coming soon. We are about halfway through book 1 now I think, or maybe just under half.

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