Chapter 25 - Weakness

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[A few days later]

I throw my knife into the tree, landing squarely in the center of the stump where I intended. Danny moves in front of the tree and turns back to face me with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Hit right here," he challenges, tapping his finger above his head against the stump.

I smirk and pull another knife out, this one from my ankle strap around my leggings.

"Your funeral." I raise my eyebrows and he laughs before stilling completely and looking to me with a slight nod.

I let the knife go and watch it fly. It lands just a centimetre above his hair, just where I planned.

He lets out a big breath of relief and we both laugh. He takes a step forward and turns to look back at the knife, his mouth dropping open.

"You almost got me!" He exclaims and then pulls the knives out of the tree.

"And you would have deserved it." I joke as I walk over to help him.

"I have to say, I was jealous when David told me about your little show in the forest. I wish I was invited." He says nonchalantly, but I can tell he means it.

"Jealous you missed my amazing shot, or jealous it wasn't you pulling the trigger?"

"Both." He winks and again, I can tell he means it.

"What did the guys think about me being the one to do it?" I ask, trying to act like I don't care. Well, I really don't care what they think of me, but it would be a lot easier if they could accept me and stop treating me as an outsider, shocked whenever I show up. I could fit in here if they let me.

His smile falters a little, like he doesn't want to answer that question honestly.

"I don't know." He mumbles and I hit his arm impatiently.

"Tell me." I insist and he gives in reluctantly.

"They don't know you." He says plainly. "Or trust you. You're a girl who used to strip for them and can now kill better than them. Does it really matter what they think, though?"

I frown and shrug. "I want them to respect me."

"They won't without a reason to." He replies honestly. "Right now they only see a girl and a threat. They don't want to accept the facts."

"And what facts are those?" I ask, annoyed, but not shocked at his confession. I guess I already knew those things, but it was harsher from his mouth.

"That he loves you." He says, nodding up at the deck near the house.

I follow his gaze, finding Enzo standing there with Anthony. He's talking to him, but really he is watching me - us. Even from here, I can see his eyes are dark and clouded. His broad shoulders stand out as he squeezes the top of the deck's railing, frowning at us.

"He doesn't love me." I roll my eyes and point my knife in a mock threat at Danny. He's so ridiculous, saying something so crazy to get a rise out of me.

He holds his hands up in fake surrender, smirking. "Regardless, you are his weakness now. We all know it. His enemies will too."

Now he's starting to piss me off.

"Enzo doesn't have a weakness. He is your leader, show some respect." I spit and walk a few yards away, turning towards a further away tree.

I feel him follow me, standing beside me as I throw the six knifes I picked up into the far tree, one by one in a vertical line.

"Everyone has a weakness." He says quietly. "Just have to learn how to embrace it or stop it from hindering you."

"What's mine?" I ask in a bored tone, turning back to face him.

He studies me for a second. "I'm not sure yet. Don't know you well enough."

I smirk, suppressing laughter. "Good."

"Mine is blondes." He says after a second, making me scoff and hit him on the chest lightly.

"More like your big mouth." I correct him and he chuckles, making me join too.

He looks up back towards the house and smirks.

"You better get back. Your captor is getting restless."

I roll my eyes and huff, but don't give a reply.

"Bye," I half-smirk as I pass by. He touches my arm - on purpose to annoy Enzo, I know - and whispers.

"I'm going to find your weakness, little lion."

Is that a joke... or a threat?

"Once you do, let me know what it is. I wouldn't know." I smirk and he chuckles, dropping his hand.

I slide the knife left in my hand into my ankle strap as I walk back to the house across the grass. Climbing the wooden stairs to the deck, I smile up to Enzo waiting at the top alone, without Anthony. One look at his face and I can see I'm in for it tonight. He's going to be a grump.

"Have fun?" He mumbles sarcastically as I walk into his arms. He wraps his strong arms around my waist, drawing me closer.

"You need to stop this." I say, moving my arms around his neck.

His face tilts to one side as he frowns and then sighs deeply.

"I'll stop when you do." He offers. I think he's serious.

I move my fingers into his hair and feel him lean back ever so slightly into my touch.

"He's my friend, as annoying as he is." I admit. "Don't make me give that up just so you can stop being jealous. It won't work. You will just find someone else to be jealous of."

He pulls away from me, walking a few steps away and turning back, anger flashing through his dark eyes.

"You think I want to be like this all the time? It's not a fucking choice, Caterina!" He shouts and my eyes widen.

I look around, thankfully no one is close to us. Danny is too far in the yard to hear.

"I have given you no reason to be like this! Tell me even one time I did anything for you to worry about." I reply in equal volume, my arms waving in front of me.

He scoffs loudly. "You breathing is reason enough."

That just pisses me off. More than I was even from my conversation with Danny.

"Stop! Not everyone wants to fuck my brains out, Enzo! It isn't like that with him." I wave my arm towards the yard and his eyes flash.

"He touches you-" He begins, but I have had enough.

"To get under your skin. To taunt you. And god damnit, you make it so easy to do so! Grow up!" I yell and storm inside without looking back to hear another word.

Every time he sees me with Danny, he acts like a child. Like a spoiled brat who wants the toy someone else is playing with. It has to stop. I'm not having this fight every day.

"Caterina!" His voice booms after me as I walk quickly to the stairs.

He reaches me before I can take a step and blocks my way with his towering frame, irritating me more.

"Let me pass." I glare at him.

The rage radiates from him as he watches me, deciding his next move. After a few seconds, he moves a step to the side and I rush past him and slam my bedroom door behind me and lock it.

Author's Note:

I forget if I mentioned bringing Daria back in my last note but she will be back soon. Or maybe it was Danny? If so, then promise delivered! Lol

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Also please check out my other books! They are different from this one but very close to my heart! Strings is Book 1 and Tied is Book 2 in the Strings series - can be found in my profile!

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