Ch. 1 "Advice"

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Her outfit

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Her outfit

Spencer POV

I laid on the couch, the clock ticking, I was having a hard time breathing, I slowly sat up,

I guess I should explain, I have a boyfriend of three years, sure he was nice at first but after being with him for three months he started changing,

abusing, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally,

His name is Derek, and I'm sick of it, providing so he can just gamble and get drunk, He's kept me away from Tony, sure I call Tony from work, but I haven't seen him since I met Derek,

Yesterday when I came home late from work, for the rest time I told him no, and it cost me dearly,

I slip on my heels grabbing my coat and bag and walked out of the house,

I took the bus, I had a hat on it was over my face, I pulled out a mirror from my bag, and some cover up and covered the bruises that I could,

Once I got to my stop I got off the buss, I held my purse close as I walked down the abandoned streets,

It was late, no one was walking on the street,

I let out a small sigh,

Almost there Spence calm down, I thought as I picked up my pace,

My heels clicking on the pavement,

I hear a set of footsteps behind me so I pick up the pace as I enter the tower the steps stop,

I look behind me hoping he didn't follow me, I thought

The receptionist looked at me,

"Can I help you?" She asked

"I uh.. Never mind," I said as I was about to leave,

"Spencer?' I hear behind me,

I see Pepper,

"Hey.." I said as I clutched at my bag, a habit I do when I'm nervous,

"Oh my god," She said hugging me,

I bite my lip trying not to scream out in pain,

I patted her back,

We parted,

"What are you doing here at this hour?" She said

"I uh.. I," I began,

She seen the look in my eyes,

"Let's find a place to talk," She said

I followed her to the elevator,

we walked into the elevator,

"Mind telling me what's going on?" She asked,

"I uh, came here to talk to Tony," I said

She nodded,

"FRIDAY tell Tony too meet me in the penthouse, tell him it's important," She said

"Of Course," The AI said

We get off the elevator,

"Please sit, I'll get you something to drink," She said

I nodded, sitting on the couch,

"Here you go," She said handing me a cup of hot tea,

"Thank you," I said

I took a sip,

The elevator dinged, and Tony stode out of the Elevator,

"Alright Pepper what's the problem?-" Tony began but seen me,

I stood up,

"Spence?" He said

I nodded,

He walked briskly towards me hugging me tightly making me hiss, since he touched a certain spot,

He pulled back looking at me, concern filled his eyes,

"What is it?" He said

"I uh.." I began, but my eyes trailed to the floor,

"Pepper could you leave us for a minute," Tony said

"Of course," She said sympathetically,

Tony took my hand sitting me on the couch sitting next to me,

"Spence what are you doing here?" He asked concerned

"Tony, I uh.. I," I said I couldn't get the words out,

"Hey, it's alright whatever it is you can tell me," He said

I sighed as I nodded,

I took my hat off,

"I don't know what to do," I said

Tony gasped, he looked worried seeing some of the bruises and cuts I couldn't cover up, but soon he got over the worry and got angry,

"Was it him?" He said angry,

You see I've been vague on the details, but Tony is no idiot so yeah,

I just looked down, and nodded,

"It.. it was my fault," I said

"Hey, none of this was your fault do you hear me," He said with a strict voice,

I didn't say anything,

"Spencer," He said

He only says my full name when he's mad or worried,

I looked at him,

"Did you hear me, this is not your fault," He said

I hesitantly nodded,

"Then say it," He said

"Its.. not my fault," I said

He nodded,

"Lets get Banner to look at you," He said

I shook my head no,

I couldn't do that, I met Bruce before, we got along, We always had plenty to talk about,

"Yes you are," He said

"Look Tony, I uh, I just need your advice, I'm not planning on staying, the longer I stay the-" I began,

"The more angry he'll be?" He asked disapproving,

"Your not going back there, sure I had my suspicions, but now that they are confirmed I'll be damned if I stand by and let it happen," He said

"Tony I.." I said

"I don't care if I have to lock you in a bedroom your not going back there," He said

I didn't say anything,

Tony cupped my face just like he used to do to comfort me when I was little,

"Please, I can't stand this, I can't watch this, Please let me help you," He said

I hesitated,

"It will be alright, I promise," He said

and That's when I felt the water works,

Tony brought me into a hug,

I cried into his shoulder, my cries being muffled by his shirt,

"It's alright," He said as he petted my hair,

"I'll make sure he pays," He said as he soothed me,

"I guarantee it," He said a little angry,

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