Ch. 19" found "

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Spencer POV

I started losing consciousness when I heard shooting, the pain was all I could focus on, it was too much too bare,

I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear,

"Hey, Hey Spencer, open your eyes," I hear Tony's voice,

I feel my hands cut free, and my head being held,

"Spencer, please wake up," I hear,

But then my senses all go out,

Tony POV

We bust down HYDRA's door where Spencer's watch was pinging, We take down anyone who gets in my way,

I was going on a war path until I find her,

"Search every room, knock down the doors if you have to," I said

"Stark shouldn't we make a better plan?" Steve said

"No time," I said as I blasted a HYDRA agent,

"All clear over here,' I hear Barnes say through the com,

"Got nothing," I hear Sam say,

"All Clear here," Nat said

"Nothing," Clint said

"She's here somewhere keep looking," I said busting through doors,

Then finally I see Derek Standing over her,

I blast him not even thinking twice about it,

He flies hitting the opposite wall,

I see her tied to a chair, that is fallen over, I rush to her, my helmet flipping up,

"Spencer," I said cutting her lose, holding her in my arms,

"I got her," I said

"Spencer open your eyes," I said


"Spencer please wake up," I said

"Friday what are her vitals," I said

"They are dropping fast sir," Friday said

I lift her up in my arm,

"Let Bruce know," I said rushing out of the room,

"Of course Sir," Friday said

I take off flying letting them take care of things,

I rush to the lab, Bruce had everything ready,

"Lay her on the table quickly," he said

I did as he said,

He hooked her up to the heart monitor,

Her heart rate was low, and getting lower,

"We need to work fast, Bruce said

Spencer, POV

Beep, Beep, Beep,

My head, I thought,

Beep, Beep, Beep,

I felt something over my nose and mouth, my heavy eyelids slowly flutter open,

The blinding light hurt my head,

I closed my eyes again, my eyelids fluttering open again,

I went to grab the oxygen mask over my face, but someone stopped me,

"Leave it, you need it," I hear

I slowly turn my head to see James,

"Friday get Tony," James said

"Of Course Sir," I hear,

"What happened?" I asked weakly,

"You turned on the Wifi, that's what happened," Tony said walking in,

I nodded slowly starting to fall asleep, again,

"It's alright Spence we'll be here when you wake up again, I promise," I hear Tony say as I fall back asleep,

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