Ch. 5 "Safe"

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Her outfit

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Her outfit

Spencer POV

It has been a few days since I got the news about my ex boyfriend, working with HYDRA, I made myself busy, so I wouldn't think about it,

I have been working with Bruce, and to tell you the truth I don't mind it, and Bruce's company I don't mind either, he talks to me, and he doesn't ask about it,

Right now he's out and I'm just in the lab, I was typing the report he asked to me do, when I heard a knock on the door,

I turned in my chair seeing James and Sam,

Sam had a huge cut on his forehead,

"Is Bruce in?" James asked

"No, he's out, but I can help if you would like," I said

"Do you know how to treat wounds?" Steve asked walking in,

I nodded meekly,

"Yeah, I uh do have a PHD," I said

They looked a little stunned, I uncrossed my legs and stood up, my heels clicking on the floor,

I put some medical gloves on,

"If you could sit on the table," I said timidly

"Anything for you gorgeous," Sam said

I grabbed some of the supplies I needed,

I dabbed the cut with the gauze to soak up the blood,

He hissed,

"Sorry," I said

"Oh come on Sam it's can't hurt that bad," I hear James behind me say,

"Shut up," Sam said

After I cleaned it, I touched the edges of the cut, making sure it wasn't too deep,

"I uh, don't think you need stitches," I said

"Good, I hate needles," He said

I nodded,

"Me, too," I mumbled

I grabbed the disinfectant,

"This is going to sting a little," I said quietly

He nodded,

I dabbed in on the cut causing him to hiss, and scrunch his face,

"Oh come on Sam, your boo, boo can't hurt that much," I hear James tease,

"Shut up Barnes," Sam said

I put some Gauze on it and taped it in place since we didn't have band aids that big,

"That should do it," I said

"Thank you Nurse Stark, hey you can play doctor on me any day," He said

"Knock it off," Steve said taking him off the table by his arm,

they walked out,

I started cleaning up the leftover supplies throwing them in the trash along with my gloves, and washed my hands,

I turned around to see James still here, he was leaning against the door frame,

"Do you, uh, need something?" I asked

He smiled looking at me,

"I just wanted to say sorry about him he can be a real flirt," James said

"It's okay, nothing I'm not used to," I said sitting down at the computer,

He looked like he wanted to say something, but just as he was about to, Tony walked in,

"Hey Spence, I need to talk to you, oh Hey Barnes,"Tony said

"Stark," He said with that he walked out,

Why was he looking at me like that? I thought as I watched him leave,

Bucky POV

I could see it behind her eyes, she was hurting, sad, I thought as I caught up with Steve and Sam,

"Who knew Tony had a hot sister," Sam said

"Knock it off Sam," Steve said

"And those legs," Sam said

"He said knock it off," I said darkly,

They both stopped,

"She's not a piece of meat, She's a woman, and she's been through a lot she's doesn't need someone like you making moves on her," I said

Steve nodded,

Sure I will be first to admit she is beautiful, and the way she was dressed today, made her even more beautiful, and it didn't do me any favors looking at her,

But I need to help her, make her feel beautiful, happy, to show her no man should lay his hands on a woman, to show her the only reason a man should lay his hands on her is to show her how beautiful she is,

And if I ever get a hold of that bastard I'll kill him myself,

"You alright there Bucky?" Steve asked

I nodded walking out of the room,

Spencer POV

I followed Tony, to his office,

"Sit," He said

I sat in the chair across from his desk,

He folded his hands on top of the desk,

"Alright here it goes, due to the circumstances," Tony began,

"I can't allow you to leave this tower without an escort," He said

"What?" I asked quietly

"Spence, this guy is connected to HYDRA, so we can only assume they will come after you, and I can't risk that," He said

"Tony, I.." I began,

He walked over to me, cupping my face,

"I can't risk losing you Spence, I'm not taking the risk, just do this for me, so I know your okay," He said

"For once let me keep you safe, I wasn't able to keep you safe from him, but now that I know, I am determined to keep you safe, please," He said

I hesitated,

Then I nodded,

"Okay.." I said

He sighed in relief,

He kissed my forehead,

"And just let me know if anything is bothering you alright," He said

I nodded,

He went to walk out,

"Tony.." I said

He looked at me,

"Thank you.." I said

"Anything for you little sister," He said smiling over his shoulder at me,

I looked down at my hands and for the first time in a long time I smiled, it was a small smile, but it was a smile none the less,

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