Ch. 14 "Concern"

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                                              Spencer POV 

I paced back and forth, my heels clicking on the tile floor, as soon as I realized Tony sealed me in the room, 

I went from stunned, to anxious to full blown worried, 

Tony has only locked me in a room on a few occasions and in all of them occasions it was to either "A" keep me out of harms way, "B" prevent me from doing something very stupid or reckless or "C" to protect me, 

So im 90 Percent sure it falls under either "A" or "C" 

Which brings me to my next set of worries what is- 

No, No scratch that, I think I can only assume it's who he is protecting me from, 

Who being Derek, 

So it's safe to assume he had Derek locked up here, 

So sure I'm A bit annoyed he didn't tell me, but I guess I can get where he's coming from, I am skittish and frightened  constantly due to Derek, 

I am Tense most of the time, and lets not forget I am constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for something bad to happen, 

I so I guess Tony didn't want to make my anxiousness or anxiety more overwhelming that it was, sure I was putting on a good front making sure I wasn't showing it, 

But who am I kidding I have never been able to fool or even lie to Tony, 

He sees right through it every damn time, 

I sighed, 

"FRIDAY can you let me out?" I asked 

"I am Sorry Miss Stark but unfortunately Mr Stark is the only one to disable the SSP Protocol," FRIDAY said 

"The what?" I asked 

"Sister Safety Protocol," FRIDAY said 

You know I should be mad, but the thought of Tony to going to such lengths to create a Protocol just to keep me safe, 

It makes my heart swell at how much he truly cares about me, a little sister who can't even protect herself, 

A sister who brings her mess to his front door, 

I sighed, 

I shouldn't have dragged him into this, I should have just ran off, disappeared, 

I think after this is over, after I get out of this damn room, 

I am going to leave, I have to, I need to stop bringing people into my mess, 

Suddenly the sealed room retracted the titanium was gone, 

I see Tony standing there smiling at me, 

But it disappeared when he seen me, like he could read the look on my face god I hope not, 

"What is it?" He asked, 

But I diverted the question, 

"Tony what's going on?" I asked 

"Nothing all you need to know is it's taken care of," He said brushing some of my hair behind my ear, 

I didn't say anything for a moment, 

"Was it him.." I whispered 

I think he could see the fear in my eyes and hear it in my voice, 

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