Ch. 23

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Spencer POV

Ugh my head. It feels like Thor took his hammer and hit me upside the head with it.. I slowly peel my eyes open. and suddenly I see my head is not on a pillow but on someone.

I slowly look up and see James smirking down at me.

"Morning doll." He says with a little chuckle

"Morning." I grumble

Laying my head back down on him too hungover to care.

"Feeling alright?" He asked

"This is why only have one glass of wine." I grumble

He chuckles

"Sounds like a aspirin and water kind of morning." He says

I slowly nod

"Miss Stark. Mr Stark requires your presence in the conference room." Friday says

I grumble

"Tell him to go shove that right up his-" I began

"Ooh you're feisty when your hungover." He chuckles

I nod making not attempts to even move.

I feel James playing with the ends of my hair.

"So why you here? Not that I don't mind." I say

"Well I took you to bed last night where you kissed me and told me you didn't want me to leave." He says with a chuckle

I grumble

"Don't get me wrong I wasn't complaining but I wasn't going any further since you were smashed." He says

"Smashed?" I ask

"Drunk." He says

"Oh." I say feeling my cheeks heat up.

"I wasn't much of a party girl like Tony was." I mumbled

"I was busy with collage, And my jobs to do that." I say

I feel him nod understanding.

"I think last night was the first time I actually went to a night club." I say

"That doesn't surprise me." He says

I chuckle

"Oh you also called Tony a old man." He says with a chuckle

I wince.

"Great." I say

"Mr Stark has informed me to tell you if you don't meet him in the conference room in ten minutes he's going to pull you out of bed himself." Friday says

I grumbled

"Might as well pull the bandaid off now doll." He says with a chuckled

I nod sitting up

"Oh one more thing." He says

He hooks his finger under my chin and kisses me. I feel my face get red and my stomach does a backflip.

"For good luck." He says with a smirk

I get out of bed. About to leave the room.

"Uh doll?" He says

"Hmmm?" I say

"You might want to change out of that dress." He says with a smirk

I look down and see I'm still wearing the red dress from last night.

"Right I think Tony will lock me in a room for the rest of my life if he sees this again." I say

James laughs

"I'll be honest it was very difficult not to rip it off you myself." He says

I smirk not letting him see And walk into the walk in closet

I smirk not letting him see And walk into the walk in closet

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(Her outfit)
I get dressed braiding my hair to the side. Putting my heels on. I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put some lipstick on.

He stands up. walking towards me now towering over me.

"How about you and me have dinner tonight?" He says

I tilt my head.

"Like a date?" I ask

"Yes doll a date what do you say?" He says

"I'd love to." I say with a small smile

"Great. Meet me on the roof tonight after work okay." He says

I nodded

He hooks his fingers under my chin and kisses me one last time before I leave the room. I walk briskly as I make my way to the conference room.

Tony has his arms crossed.

"Look I know your upset but trust me when I say I learned my lesson. First time going out drinking and definitely my last." I say

He chuckles seeing I am in pain from a hangover. He walks over to me handing me a drink with a fizzing aspirin in it.

"Thank you. You're a life saver." I say

"Don't mention it as long as you leave the drinking to me from now on." He says

I pat him on the chest with my hand and sit in the chair.

"Most definitely." I say drinking out of the glass

"I also need you to look these over." He says handing me a folder.

I cross my legs as I open the file.

"Of course." I say

He nods sitting next to me as we get to work I can't help but be excited for dinner with James tonight.

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