Ch. 8 "Afraid"

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                                                       Spencer POV

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Spencer POV

It was currently 3Am yet again, feels a little like deja vu, it has been a few days since my little meltdown in front of James,

A few days since I have been feeling like a Toddler, James or Steve around every corner, watching me closely,

A few days since I've actually slept,

Lately it's felt like, well you know when your watching a horror movie and you know something is about to pop out of somewhere,

That's how I'm feeling, like it's too quiet, Derek has been too quiet haven't heard a peep, sure James took my phone but he did return it,

I am currently in the lab typing away on the computer,

Then a email popped up on my screen,

"I am coming for you!" It said

But it didn't have a known sender, I know that is Derek, he likes to invoke fear, and he always knew how to do it to me,

I get it he's pissed, I did leave in the middle of the night, but living there in the house with him was hell,

I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without his say,

He monitored all of my phone calls, and text messages,

If I took too long in the store he would come and drag me out,

I was only allowed so long in the bathroom, sure we never had sex, that's where I would draw the line,

Sure he did try, but I ended up electrifying him with a taser,

Which I later regretted getting a full blown beating, but he never tried it again,

But he still frightened me,

I closed my eyes, all the flashes of the brutal beatings I got,

All the pain, and that one night he almost did kill me, if it wasn't for my neighbor banging on the door yelling he was going to call the cops,

He would have killed me,

I covered my face with my hands,

How did I end up like this? this frightened woman, afraid to even stand up for herself, sure I was always shy compared to Tony,

But no frightened, not like this, not the pure terror looming over her just to speak up, where did I go wrong,

Why didn't I leave that first time, the first time he hit me, or called me a name, or talked down to me like I was nothing, why did I stay,

What possessed me to stay with such a cruel person?

Was it that I did love him at one point? or was it the death threats? or was it just me shielding myself from the unforgiving truth that I was with a monster?

I sighed,

I heard a knock on the door making me jump,

I see Tony walk in,

"Jeez sorry," He said sitting next to me,

"It's Uh alright," I said

"Is there something you want to tell me Spence?" He said

I looked at him, he was giving me that don't you dare lie to me look,

I pointed to the screen the email,

"It's him Tony, I just know it," I said my voice cracking not sure how much more of this I can actually take,

"Damn this guy never gives up," He said

"Maybe I should-" I began,

"Not Happening, Spence, you are not going back to that bastard, not if I can help it," He said

"But look at what-" I began,

"He's trying to scare you into going back, you can't," He said

"Maybe it'll stop," I said

"No! it won't don't you get that!? look what he did to you!" Tony said raising his voice,

Which resulted me to shake, I closed my eyes, expecting something to happen but it didn't,

"Spence open your eyes," His voice changing into concern,

I slowly opened my eyes,

I see the pure concern and worry in his eyes,

"I'm sorry, I just want to keep you safe from him, and I don't understand why you would want to go back to him," He said

"So you won't get in trouble because of me," I said quietly

"I won't, the only person who is in trouble is him," He said

He cupped my face pressing his forehead against mine, something he used to do when I was scared when we were younger,

"I need you to trust me," He said

"I do trust you, It's just I'm not like you Tony I'm not or never been brave like you," I said feeling tears falling

"It's alright to be scared, but I'm not going to let him lay another hand on you again, I promise," He said

"Do you hear me, he even comes within sniffing distance of you he's a goner," Tony said darkly

I nodded as tears fell down my cheeks,

"I am going to make sure of it," He whispered as he brought me into a hug,

"If it's the last thing I do," He whispered darkly,

I know Tony, and he's beyond angry, and it's my fault, I let this happen, I closed my eyes as the tears rolled down my cheeks, everything is my fault,

Bucky POV

I hear shouting, and that's when I see Spencer and Tony talking, Tony's back was too me at the door, and Spencer was facing me, but they didn't see me,

"I do trust you, It's just I'm not like you Tony I'm not or never been brave like you,"she said I see tears falling down her cheeks,

"It's alright to be scared, but I'm not going to let him lay another hand on you again, I promise," Tony said

"Do you hear me, he even comes within sniffing distance of you he's a goner," Tony said darkly

she nodded as tears fell down my cheeks,

"I am going to make sure of it," He whispered as he brought Specner into a hug,

"If it's the last thing I do," He whispered darkly,

I looked at Spencer, she had her eyes closed as tears just fell down her cheeks, I knew then and there, I was going to keep her safe,

To show her what love is supposed to be like,

To have only happy tears pour from her eyes,

I am going to show her what it's truly like to be cared for by a real man,

Even if it takes me forever I'm going to show her happiness, I thought as I walked to my room,

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