Ch. 2 "Injuries"

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                                              Bucky POV 

Me, Steve and Sam were all in the training room, it was late but me and Steve don't really sleep to begin with, 

Sam was hitting the bag as I was sitting on the bench, 

"Come on Sam I'm sure you can hit harder than that," I said 

"Shut up, not all of us are super soldiers," Sam said 

Steve chuckled, 

We hear talking and clicking of shoes, 

I turn my head, and that's when I see her, her long dark brown hair, her doe eyes, 

"You'll be set up in the penthouse with me and Pepper, after we talk to Bruce, you can work with him for a little while until we sort this out," Tony said as He walked beside her, 

She had her arms crossed like she was uncomfortable, 

The three of us walk out of the training room watching as they walk down the hall, 

Sam quietly whistles, 

"Who was that gorgeous thing," Sam said 

Me and Steve both look at him, 

"That would be Spencer, Tony's sister," Nat said from behind us, making Sam jump, 

"Tony has a sister?" Steve said confused, 

Nat nodded, 

"Shy but sweet," Nat said smirking 

I watched as they turned the corner, 

"I'd steer clear if I were you guys, Tony can get very territorial when it comes to his little sister," She said as she walked past us, 

Spencer that's a different name, I thought 

                                                       Spencer POV 

After my little meltdown, We arrived on the avenger floor, or that's what Tony calls it, 

Tony was talking to me, but I was hardly listening, I was still wondering if coming here was a good idea, 

Yeah Derek was using me as his personal beating bag, but I had other options than to bring this to Tony right? I thought 

I looked over at Tony his face had a scowl on it,

We were almost to the lab when I stopped, 

Tony looked at me, 

"Spence?" He asked 

"Maybe... Maybe I shouldn't be here," I said looking at him 

"No, you are right where you need to be, now come on," He said taking my arm gently 

"Now come on lets get you looked at," He said 

I nodded as he guided me into the lab, 

"Bruce," Tony said 

Bruce turned around, 

"Spencer oh my goodness, come sit let me look," He said worried, 

I slowly followed him, 

I sat on the table, 

He turned my head left then right, looking at the inquires, 

"I'm gonna clean these up," He said 

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