Someone tell me, what they think an illusion is.
Someone tell me if an illusion is that you see shadows of monsters walking around. Someone tell me, that I'm not insane.
As of late I've been playing Don't Starve, and I'm currently surviving winter. But I'm slowly going insane.
Are games meant to do that to you? To make you see things even thought they're not real? Do illusions tell you you're pathetic?
Do illusions become voices, that haunt your mind for as long as you can live?! Tell me! How the fuck am I going to stop this voice from commanding my life?!
I want it go away so bad. Please, I just want someone to help me. I don't want to be stuck in the dark void again! Someone please, tell the voice to fuck off!
RandomDepression. It's a fearful thing, it can destroy a single life in a few seconds. Words, painful words. Names, pathetic, loser. This is my story.