Chapter Four | Kaylessa

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This chapter was written by me! I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to check this book out on bunnies2020's account! Happy reading!


Kaylessa was still fuming about Essa, the Black Swan wannabe girl when she got to Foxfire the next day. Essa was plain annoying, like that girl who you know and always talks to you, but you don't really like. Kaylessa licked the DNA scanner on her locker and pulled out her books, one by one until she found her secret stash of prattles in the back. She replaced her books and popped the sugary candy in her mouth.

Kaylessa reached into the bag to find the velvet pouch inside and opened it. She reached in and pulled out a Moonlark pin.

"The omens!" she gasped to herself as she shoved the Moonlark back into the bag. "I'll just trade it." She grabbed a handful of prattles before slamming her locker shut after getting her astronomy book. She dropped the book in her bag and backed up into her best friend.

"Hey, Vi!" Kaylessa exclaimed, turning around to face Viessa.

"Hey, Kaylessa!" Viessa greeted. She flipped her blonde hair out of her face and stole some prattles from Kaylessa's hand. Kaylessa grinned at Viessa.

"How was your weekend?" Viessa asked with a mouthful of prattles.

"Fine, yours?" Kaylessa replied, shoving some prattles in her mouth as well.

"Good, good. Well, I have to go to Linguistics with Cadence, blech," Viessa rolled her eyes. Kaylessa laughed and ate the rest of the prattles as she waved goodbye to Viessa. She quickly ran to astronomy and spent around three hours looking at star patterns. Whoopie.

. . .

After school, Kaylessa leaped to her home, Ambercrest. The villa estates were located on a private island in the Mediterranean. Kaylessa had leaped directly in the middle of the three individual villas. The private beach home nearest to the sea belonged to her father, Elion Salvaxe, while she owned the one to the right. The empty one on the left is for guests and storage.

Kaylessa headed toward her villa and unlocked the door. The fresh scent of cooking Mallowmelt hit her in the doorway, the preferred scent of Islaria Salvaxe, her mother. Kaylessa swung her school bag onto the nearest chair, which only purpose is to hold her stuff.

She plopped down on her couch and started drawing, a hobby of hers.

A knock sounded on her door and a middle-aged elf opened the door. Elion, her father, stepped in, wearing a casual tunic and mussed-up hair.

"Hey, dad," Kaylessa greeted, pausing her drawing. Elion nodded his acknowledgment.

"Sorry, I went into the wrong house," Elion said, gesturing towards the kitchen, his eyes clouded with grief. Kaylessa nodded at the Mallowmelt scent that had seemed to get stronger. Elion slipped out of the villa. She stared after him through the window as she watched him walk into his own villa with a hunched posture. Kaylessa was worried about him, he never was this confused.

Kaylessa sighed and returned to her drawing, forgetting to sleep that night.

. . .

"You look terrible, Flare," Raven commented, snickering at her slouched posture. "What did you do, get stepped on by an ogre?" Raven doubled up in laughter, and one look from Kaylessa sent her sprawling on the floor, howling.

"You don't look too good yourself, Raven," Kaylessa shot back. She waited for Raven to get up off the floor before continuing. "Why are you in such a good mood?"

"Can't I be happy?" Raven asked.

"No, it's unnatural," Kaylessa replied. Raven rolled her eyes and flipped her black hair.

"Whatever, so, how was the task?" Raven asked.

"Suckish. There was a Black Swan girl there too. They're investigating Alina's death too," Kaylessa replied.

"Hmm, that's bad. Why are they searching for Alina's killer?"

"Don't know, don't care," Kaylessa said as she rolled her shoulders. School had been canceled in regards to Alina's public death, but Kaylessa didn't take the day off. She spent the entire morning staring at the bloodstain at Alina's death scene and trying not to be sick.

"Well, I th—" Raven started before getting cut off.

"Gisela called a meeting," Ruy said, coming out of nowhere to stand behind Raven. "She wants all of us in the compound to be there." Raven nodded, already heading towards the Meeting Room. Strange, ever since Alina's death, I've been called to the Meeting Room twice. Maybe another Councillor should die so Raven and I can get access to the Forbidden Cities.

Kaylessa followed Raven into the Meeting Room. A roomful of Neverseen initiates greeted her when she walked in. She took a seat near the back corner next to Raven as they watched more members file in.

When all the members were all counted for, Gisela, once again at the head of the table called the meeting to begin.

"Alina's planting is tomorrow," Gisela announced, immediately stating the news. "We need a team to be there."

"I'm not going," Trix scoffed. "Alina was a brat." There were some mumbles of agreement around the table.

"I'll go," Raven offered. Gisela nodded her head at Raven.

"Me too," Ruy said right after her. Gisela nodded again and tilted her head toward Kaylessa. She silently stared into Kaylessa's eyes under her hood.

"How about you, Flare? Aren't you investigating Alina? Why not go?" Gisela asked her. The Neverseen members all turned their heads to look at her. Kaylessa's face burned. She hated being the center of attention.

"I can go I guess," Kaylessa said carefully. She hated the Wanderlings and what they symbolized, but she would go if she was forced to. Gisela stared at her for a few more seconds before facing another initiate. Kaylessa blew out a breath.

She didn't pay attention to the other group going to the planting. She only thought of what was going to happen tomorrow. Too many plantings have happened. Her mother's, Cyrah Endal's, Kenric Fathdon, the Moonlarks, Dex Dizznee, Alden Vacker, and plenty more. And all the plantings were the Councillor's fault.

Kaylessa broke out of her daze to hear Gisela's final words before the meeting would end.

"Good luck tomorrow, this is our first step to world domination," Gisela said with a sinister smile.

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