Chapter Six | Kaylessa

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This chapter was written by me while bunnies2020 added in Viessa's quotes!! Enjoy the chapter and happy reading! <33


Kaylessa slept for thirteen hours that night out of pure exhaustion. The conversation with Essa didn't help. When she got home, she plopped onto her bed and fell asleep immediately. When she woke up, she got ready for school and leaped over to Foxfire.

She spent many hours on pointless things, but when school was over, she ran over to her locker.

"Oh shoot, I have to go meet with Vi today," Kaylessa said to herself, putting her books back from her last class. She swung her bag over her shoulder and ran to the main Leapmaster. She got in line and waited until all the other kids leaped away before standing in front of the large crystal chandelier.

"Rosestone!" she shouted into the revolving machine as the crystal leading to Viessa's house appeared. She stepped into the light and was whisked away to Viessa's heavenly home.

Flowers surrounded the mountain-top mansion located above the Alps, and the heavy perfume blew on the breeze, straight into Kaylessa's face. She made her way toward the large crystal doors and threw the doors wide open.

"Viessa! I'm here!" Kaylessa shouted up the glittering staircase. The sound of a door slamming open echoed through the glass walls and she watched Viessa run down the stairs to greet her.

"Hey, Kaylessa!" Viessa smiled, her blue eyes twinkling. "Do you want to invite Esarae over?"

"Sure, why not," Kaylessa replied. She assumed it was just the two of them, but if Viessa wanted to invite more friends over . . .

Kaylessa pulled out her imparter out of her bag and held it out to Viessa. "Do you want to do the honors?"

"Okay, sure!" Viessa closed her hand around the offered imparter and quickly hailed Esarae. Esarae answered right away, her face popping onto the black screen.

"Hey, Viessa! Hey, Kaylessa!" Esarae screeched, blowing her ash brown hair out of her eyes as she grinned at them.

"Hey, Esarae!" Kaylessa said, peeking over Viessa's shoulder. "Do you want to come hang out with us?"

"Of course," Esarae squealed. "I was waiting like forever to talk to you guys."

"Okay! Come over to Rosestone!" Kaylessa told her. Esarae nodded and turned off her imparter. Kaylessa and Viessa waited a few minutes for Esarae to leap into Rosestone. When Esarae finally leaped onto the property, she was dragging her brother behind her.

"Sorry, I was late. I had to get my brother to come," Esarae rolled her cerulean eyes. She tugged on her brother's arm. "Introduce yourself, brother." Her brother rolled his identical eyes.

"Whatever, I'm Keryn," he said, shoving out of Esarae's grip.

"Oh, hi! I'm Viessa and this is my best friend, Kaylessa." Viessa told Keryn. She grinned at Keryn.

"Yeah, hi," Kaylessa mumbled glaring at Keryn. She narrowed her eyes at Esarae and Keryn. Why was he acting all superior?

"So, what do you want to do?" Esarae exclaimed bouncing on her toes. She always had crazy amounts of energy. From where? Who knows. Maybe she had brown sugar for breakfast.

"Wanna play Base Quest?" Kaylessa suggested, turning away from Keryn to face Esarae and Viessa.

"Yes!" Esarae shouted and Viessa rolled her eyes. Kaylessa flashed a smile in Esarae's direction.

"I call Viessa's team!" Esarae said immediately, she hooked her arm through Viessa's and skipped away with Viessa in tow. Kaylessa glared at Esarae's retreating figure and stuck her tongue out. The nerve . . .

"So, I'm with you, huh," Keryn glanced over at her interrupting her thoughts. Kaylessa glared at him and crossed her arms.

Kaylessa sighed loudly, "Yes, smarty. Let's go find a base." She swiftly turned and stomped towards a patch of trees behind the property and stood there waiting for Keryn to catch up.

When Keryn finally reached the hidden grove, Kaylessa gave Keryn the death-glare for his snail-like pace. Keryn gave her an incredulous look. Prick.

"Excuse me?" Keryn asked with mock offension. Kaylessa rolled her eyes and caught sight of a blonde head running through the trees.

"Whatever, let's just win," Kaylessa hissed at him moving to chase after Viessa. Keryn shrugged and ducked behind a large tree. Kalyssa rolled her eyes at him.

"Annoying prick," Kaylessa grumbled as she took off to track Viessa. For the rest of the afternoon, they played Base Quest and made up new rules. Esarae never seemed to want to switch partners so Kaylessa had to stay with the prick. Kaylessa and Keryn won twice, and to Kaylessa's dismay, Viessa and Esarae won five times. Kaylessa and Keryn worked on their own, never coordinating their efforts to win together.

When the sun began to lower towards the horizon, Kaylessa screamed, "PAUSE!" and told her friends she had to go. Distracted by the prick smirking at her, she spun her leaping crystal towards a facet and before she could realize she was not leaping home, she stepped into the beam of light and was transported to Alina's death scene.

At sundown, the glen was even spookier with the long shadows and red-ish pink lights. Kaylessa shivered and started the turn her crystal to the right facet when the light bounced off a shiny object and straight into her eye.

She turned toward the metal pendant on the floor and walked towards it carefully. She reached down to pick it up and turned it around.

Her face drained of color and her heart stopped for a second. The familiar engravings on the pendant gave her deja vu and she almost choked on her next breath. She quickly glanced away and sighed.

Kaylessa tucked the pendant into her bag and quickly leapt away, not telling anybody of that secret visit and what it meant.

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