Chapter Two | Kaylessa

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[This Chapter was written by me, -EverlastingFanGirl-]

A Special Note from Me : 

Hi! I'm @-EverlastingFanGirl-, @bunnies2020's friend on Wattpad and I'm writing this book with her! Vote on her books because she's an AMAZING writer! I wrote this chapter and I hope you like it <3


"Punch me, you idiot!"

Kaylessa obliged and swung her right arm in a right hook, aiming for Raven's face. She dodged at the last second and Kaylessa hit empty air.

"Don't flick your wrist, and hit with your first two fingers, not your last two," Raven corrected, pointing to the spot between her pointer and middle finger. Kaylessa nodded and mock punched her again, aiming with her first two fingers.

"Better, now kick me," Raven commanded, switching her stance with her feet apart. Kaylessa huffed a breath and blew her dark-brown hair away from her face. Kaylessa swung her foot back and swiftly kicked it forward, giving Raven only a second to move away.

"Hey!" Raven complained, rubbing her shin after Kaylessa landed a great kick. Kaylessa shifted her hood forward and laughed. Raven stuck her tongue out at her and Kaylessa grinned. Raven suddenly stiffened and stood up taller.

"Quit your bickering, Gisela needs you, Flare," a voice drawled from the doorway of the Training Center. Kaylessa looked back behind her and found an older elf leaning against the doorframe.

"Ruy," Raven greeted, flashing a white tooth smile barely hidden by the addler she was wearing.

"Raven," Ruy smiled back, a real genuine smile, which had Kaylessa's mouth hanging open under her hood. Ruy turned back to her. "Gisela needs to see you." Kaylessa nodded and dropped her stance.

"Bye, guys," Kaylessa said with a mocking wave. Kaylessa exited the Training Center and strode into the main Neverseen compound, Spiritstar. Spiritstar was the group hideout for all initiated Neverseen members, though most members prefer working from home in fear of getting caught. Cowards.

Kaylessa wandered toward the Meeting Room, positive Gisela was waiting for her there. She strolled toward the large metal doors, 100% sound proof to be extra cautious around nosy Neverseen members. She knocked on the door, a loud echo of the metal being pounded sounded in the hall.

The doors swung open and she saw Lady Gisela sitting rigid-back at the head of the long table in the center of the room. Kaylessa glanced around, her sapphire-blue eyes scanning the room. She had never entered the Meeting Room before. She was a newly initiated member, only a full-fledged member last year at age 14.

The large oak table was the only decoration in the bland room. The plain plaster walls hovered high above her head with a skylight on the ceiling, casting long rays of sunshine onto the table.

The table itself was a large oak. Stacks of paper lined the table, Lady Gisela the only thing to break the pattern with the space before her completely empty.

"Yes?" Kaylessa asked.

"Sit," Gisela commanded, motioning toward the empty chair next to her. Kaylessa awkwardly sat down next to Gisela, adjusting her Neverseen cloak to still cover her clothes and face.

"Flare, I have a job for you," Gisela said, clasping her hands together on the desk. Kaylessa waited for her to elaborate.

"A councillor has been found dead," Gisela explained, unclasping her hands to trace the oak patterns of the table.

"Which one?" Kaylessa asked warily.

"The Worst One, Alina," Gisela's mouth twitched upward. A Councillor. Dead. How did that happen? Kaylessa rolled her eyes mentally. That's what I have to find out.

"Alina? Everyone wants her dead, that's a hard case," Kaylessa said blandly. It wasn't a lie. Alina was most likely the most hated Councillor in the Council.

Gisela smiled that half-smile again, "That's why I need you. You're the most discreet of all of us. I could task Ruy to do this, but we all know he'll fail." Kaylessa grinned. Gisela was right, Ruy sucked at mysteries.

"Flare, I need you to find the killer . . . and recruit them," Gisela finished. Kaylessa's eyes widened.

"So, I went from trainee into recruiter?" Kaylessa asked, covering up her reaction. She tipped her head lower, just to make sure her face wasn't seen.

"It's a step up, is it not?" Gisela countered. Kaylessa raised an eyebrow.

"Why can't you or someone else do it?" Kaylessa asked. She had to juggle school and Neverseen work, and both sides loaded her with work.

"We're working on a plan right now, none of us have the time," Gisela lifted her hands and crossed them over her chest. Kaylessa mirrored the movement.

"Fine, I'll do it," Kaylessa knew it did no good to push. If they didn't want to include her in their secrets, then fine. She didn't feel like plotting that day anyway.

"Good. This is the leaping crystal," Gisela said, handing over a clear leaping crystal. Kaylessa closed her hand around the crystal and tucked it into her pocket. "Good luck, Flare." Kaylessa nodded and stood up. She exited the Meeting Room and found Raven and Ruy leaning against a stone pillar. The entire hideout was nature-themed. Located in the Amazon, they were well hidden. They had adopted the nature-style hideout for fun.

She grinned at Raven and Ruy under the tall pillar's shadow and strode toward them. When she coughed, Raven and Ruy jumped apart. Her grin grew wider.

"Hey, guys!" Kaylessa said, trying not to feel like a third-wheel 30 seconds into their conversation.

"What did Gisela want?" Ruy asked, casually smoothing down his tunic.

"Mystery thing," Kaylessa replied. She crossed her arms and fixed them both with a glare. She knew mentally that they couldn't see the glare, but she did it anyway.

"What were you two doing?" Kaylessa asked. She cocked an eyebrow at them, which once again, remained unseen.

"Talking," Ruy said at the same time Raven said, "Nothing!"

"Uh-huh, sure," Kaylessa rolled her eyes.

"Don't you have someone else to bother, Flare?" Ruy said, fixing her with an annoyed glare, which was clearly seen through his addler. Kaylessa huffed.

"Fine, lovebirds," she swept away before Ruy and Raven could start yelling at her. She was known as the annoying 15-year-old child recruited to the other Neverseen members. The treatment was even worse when she was known as the annoying 14-year-old recruit. It was no big deal, it was better being ignored anyway. Like her father ignored her ever since her mother died.

Which was all the Council's fault, Kaylessa snapped, clenching her fists. She sighed and continued walking, loosening her hands. She cursed her train of thought.

All she could do now to retaliate was to find Alina's killer and recruit the sucker.

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