Chapter Twenty-Four | Kaylessa

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Kaylessa had recognized the crystal Raverie used to leap away. It was the same crystal they always used to get to their special hideout. She dug out her old Neverseen crystal that she never bothered to return and spun the facet to the one that would lead her to her old treehouse.

Kaylessa appeared smack dab in the front of a tree and she almost fell over. She craned her head to look at the petite treehouse perched on the uppermost branches of the large tree.

She climbed the rope ladder leading inside, the one Raven, Ruy, and Kaylessa had installed so you couldn't enter if you didn't want to do an ab workout.

She opened the small swinging door and peeked inside. Raverie was leaning against the walls of the treehouse staring outside of the window across from her.

The small wooden treehouse was decorated with colorful rugs and small cushion chairs with a mini coffee table in the middle, like a miniature cottage. Ruy had chosen the theme, leaving Raven and her to actually decorate.

"Raverie?" Kaylessa asked as she crawled towards her best friend. Raverie glanced at her.

"Kaylessa," she said a bit stiffly.

"I'm sorry I left you. I really didn't want to. You were one of my best friends ever and I didn't want to leave," Kaylessa apologized. She sat down in front of Raverie, forcing her to look at her.

"Why did you leave?" Raverie asked.

"I didn't want to destroy everything. I still hate the council, but what have we really done?" Kaylessa explained after a thoughtful pause, her voice almost hushed.

"Ruin lots of things," Raverie answered, sighing a little. "You're right. I think I only stayed in the Neverseen for . . . Ruy." Raverie looked a little sheepish. Kaylessa smiled.

"You know, I think you like him," Kaylessa grinned. Raverie snorted.

"You're just now figuring this out?" Raverie laughed.

"Well, not really," Kaylessa beamed. "Ruy likes you too, you know." She said the last part only barely above a whisper. Raverie rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Friends?" Kaylessa asked. Raverie shook her head.

"Best friends," Raverie corrected. She pulled Kaylessa into a hug and held on tightly. When they pulled away, both of them were laughing hard.

"I might quit the Neverseen," Raverie said.

"What about Ruy?" Kaylessa asked. Raverie chuckled as Kaylessa tilted her head in question.

"Who says I'll stop talking to him?" Raverie grinned. Kaylessa laughed and there was a friendly silence.

"You know, I would've cried if you said no," Kaylessa said, giggling a little. Raverie gawked and Kaylessa burst into a new wave of laughter.

"You? No way. I would've cried if you hadn't come," Raverie snorted. Kaylessa moved to sit next to Raverie against the wall.

"You? No way," Kaylessa jokes. Raverie rolled her eyes playfully and punched her in the arm. Kaylessa copied Raverie and pulled her knees up to bang them against Raverie's. Raverie stuck her tongue out and Kaylessa mimicked her.

"You're so immature," Raverie mockingly sighed.

"Says the girl wearing unicorn earrings," Kaylessa laughed.

"Says the girl wearing a baby alicorn tunic," Raverie gasped overdramatically. Kaylessa snorted and leaned against Raverie.

"Would you like one? It's only two of its kind," Kaylessa offered, chuckling.

"Of course," Raverie snorted. She wrapped an arm around Kaylessa, "My baby sister." Kaylessa rolled her eyes and slumped against her.

"My elderly sister," Kaylessa shot back with a grin. Raverie flicked her arm. Kaylessa closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the moment that would no doubt end. It was nice just to have nothing to worry about, but that relief was short-lived.

"Do you want to go back?" Raverie asked. "They probably didn't appreciate my dramatic exit enough." Kaylessa huffed a laugh.

"Kieran looked like he wanted to punch you," Kaylessa said.

"He wouldn't dare. He's secretly scared of me," Raverie laughed. "Well, even more now that I was in the Neverseen. I'm going to message Ruy that I'm leaving. I can imagine the tears."

"From you or him?" Kaylessa smiled. "Well, if they weren't suspicious of us before, they sure will be now."

"True, true. Neverseen sisters' powers activate!" Raverie shouted and she stuck out her right arm in front of her. Kaylessa rolled her eyes but stuck out her left hand. "Let's go back, they need someone to pummel them."

Raverie started to move, but she was stuck, "I swear, whoever designed this treehouse deserves an award for the most cramped place. I can't move." Kaylessa laughed but pulled out her home crystal to leap them back to her home.

When the light guided them back to Embercrest, everyone was still gathered in her dad's villa. She was still in her curled-up position with her arm hooked around Raverie's. She jumped up and patted the dust off her pants.

She walked over to the door and slammed it open with her hip.

"We're ba-a-ack," Kaylessa sang as everyone's head swiveled to face her in the doorway. Raverie walked up to the door and had the decency to look half-sorry.

"Well, my subjects, I hope you missed me well," Raverie huffed as she fanned her face. Kieran made a face. Kaylessa stifled a laugh, she didn't know Raverie's entrance would be so dramatic.

"Does this mean you're back?" Keryn asked. Everyone watched them waiting for the answer.

"Of course, peasants," Raverie grinned and flipped her braided hair over her shoulder.

"I told you so!" Keryn told Kieran. "Your sister is always going to come back because she secretly loves you." Raverie stuck out her tongue and sashayed over to Kieran to muss up his hair.

"Child, child," Raverie tutted. She propped her hand on her hip. "Never say that again." She patted Keryn on the head like a child and smirked. Kaylessa grinned. Everyone seemed to release a held-in breath. Their relief was contagious and for some reason, Kaylessa found herself sighing.

"So, you're not going to be all suspicious of me and Kaylessa for being in the Neverseen?" Raverie asked.

"You left didn't you?" Esarae asked. "So, nah." Ashryn giggled.

"Save your energy for beating the two know-it-all sides." Raverie flipped her hair dramatically and mimicked Gisela with her hand. "Blah, blah, blah." Even Kieran laughed at that.

"Who knows what the Neverseen and Black Swan will think once they find us, THE NEVERSWAN!" Aymon shouted, pumping a fist in the air.

Raverie rolled her eyes, "Overdramatic much?" Kaylessa smiled genuinely which earned a raised eyebrow from Keryn. She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out.

"Like you're not!" Aymon said.

"Don't make up lies, child," Raverie sighed as she draped an arm over her forehead in the perfect sighing pose. Kaylessa laughed and shook her head at the excessive drama. "Let's take down the Neverseen and that bratty Moonlark and show the world that Raverie is the best!"

Kaylessa frowned, "You pronounced Kaylessa wrong. You said 'Raverie', it's pronounced Kay-less-ah." She enunciated her name and smirked as Raverie stuck her tongue out at her.

Elion stormed into the room, "You guys are still here?"

"Sorry, we were just leaving," Esarae told her dad as they all got up to leave. Elion frowned but waved his arm to gesture for them to hurry up.

"Thanks for letting us stay for a while dad!" Kaylessa called behind her back. She smiled gently when she saw Aqua cradled in her dad's arms. It seemed at the moment, everything was perfect.

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