Chapter Seven | Viessa

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This chapter was written by bunnies2020 and it's amaaaazinngg! Watch out for that cliff-hanger though


After her friends left Viessa opened up her astronomy book and started finishing her homework. Good thing she had a photographic memory, it saved her from most of the work. After she was done with homework, it was close to 11:45 and so Viessa laid down in bed.

"Viessa, why were your friends here?" her mom, Maeralya, asked entering the room with a suspicious look on her face. Followed by her was Viessa's dad, Connak. He gave Viessa a small look of pity.

"Mom, we were just hanging out!" Viessa sighed, her mom was always so suspicious of her.

"Come on dear, just let Viessa do whatever she wants. She'll make great choices," Connak told his wife and walked out of the door just as he entered. Viessa could sense that something was wrong but she ignored it.

Her mom looked a bit relieved when her husband said the words about Viessa. She took a seat in the corner of Viess'a bed. "Ok, but where were you during Councillor Alina's planting?" she demanded when her husband was out of sight.

"I was at the planting mom," Viessa lied.

"Stop, lying to me Viessa," her mom glared at her. She glared back.

"I'm not lying mom!" Viessa lied again. Lying was not a talent of Viesa's. That was more of her friend Kaylessa's talent. Viessa knew that her mom could mostly see through her lying but she still lied anyway.

"Ok, if you aren't lying then where were you? I didn't see you there," Maeralya looked deeply into Viessa 's eyes.

Viessa sat up and looked away, "I was there mom! I was just standing next to my friend, it was getting a bit boring. That's all,"

"And which friend is that?" her mom asked. Viessa could tell that her mom was getting more and more suspicious of her as more days passed. Her dad just seemed like he didn't care about her at all. She missed those fun times she had with him.

"It's Kaylessa," Viessa lied. She didn't know yet that the words she spoke were actually true.

"But I didn't see Kaylessa anywhere!" her mom threw her hands up in the air. "I'm done with you. I can't stand when you're lying to me,"

"I'm not lying mom," Viessa protested.

"If you say so," her mom banged the door shut as she walked out of her room.

Viessa sighed, her mom was getting more and more suspicious. She didn't even know what to do. Should she tell her mom that she was part of the Black Swan? That would be a horrible idea and wouldn't help anyone.

Suddenly Viessa's imparter rang. Who would hail her at this time of the day? Viessa looked at the caller ID and accepted the hail. It was from Biana.

"Hey Essa!" Biana greeted, her cheerful face filling up the screen.

"Hey Biana! I told you to call me Viessa," Biana was one of the only Black Swan members who actually talked to her like she was a friend and not just a dumb Black Swan know-it-all

"Oh, all right then Viessa!" Biana giggled playfully.

Viessa laughed, "Well, why did you hail me?"

"I was just wondering if you had seen my dad anywhere and if you wanted to help me with my Astronomy homework which is due tomorrow. I was working on it all evening and I still couldn't get it done," Biana told her.

"Oh, of course. I would love to help. I'll tell my parents and I'll be there," Viessa said to Biana, ending the hail.

Viessa put her imparter back into her pocket, grabbed her astronomy book and ran down the hallway.

"Mom! Dad! I'm going to the Vacker's to help Biana with her Astronomy," she shouted loudly so that her parents could hear.

"Um.......don't go now," her dad yelled back to her, his voice was shaking.

"Why not?" Viessa asked him.

"It's not safe to go outside in the dark," her dad replied. "Alina just died a few days ago,"

"Okay?" it came out as a question.

"Fine, you can go!" he told Viessa. "But be careful, I don't want anyone hurting you and It's already pretty late, Viessa. Come back soon,"

"Okay, I'll be fine," she replied. Her dad was definitely scared after Alina's death. She wondered why though. Maybe it was just that fact that Kaylessa's mom had died this way. Going somewhere in the darkness was the cause of her death.

Viessa wore her dark purple cloak and mask just to be safe just like her dad said and leapt to the Vacker's property as fast as the leaping crystal would take her. The usually beautiful house looked creepy. It was eerily quiet and there were shadows bouncing back and forth against the walls. Viessa walked quickly stumbling upon small twigs and branches.

Suddenly Viessa felt something touch her skin. It felt soft and sticky. Viessa screamed. What was it? She looked at the thing that was sticky. It was a dead body! Viessa screamed again and took a few steps backward. Who died this time? Why was this death in the Vacker property?

Viessa slowly took a few steps forward and looked at the dead body's face. It was.....

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