Chapter Twenty-Three | Viessa

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Did Kaylessa just say Raven? Viessa gasped, "Raven?"

"Yep, my old bestie" Kaylessa crossed her arms, her lips twitching upward.

Viessa took a step back, her brain was just processing what Kaylessa said. Raverie was Raven. It made sense now to why Raverie was always acting weird. Viessa quickly glanced at Kieran who looked completely confused. The others were all confused as well.

"Well, you can come out if you want," Kaylessa said, oddly calm. Raven—Raverie stepped out of the closet slowly still in shock.

"I'm not surprised," Kaylessa muttered under her breath.

Kieran pushed everyone aside, hard, as he ran up to his sister. "What were you doing in there? What is Kaylessa saying?" he demanded.

"Nothing little brother, nothing," Raverie said, pulling out her leaping crystal from her pocket. She held it up to the light but before she could step in Aymon made a gust of wind which knocked the crystal right from her hand into Aymon's. Raverie grumbled something about gusters.

"Well, did you think I was going to let you leave before you tell Kieran what you were doing?" Aymon asked her, with a flare in his voice. Kieran gave Aymon a grateful look before turning to his sister.

"What are you hiding?" Kieran asked, his voice was now cold.

Raverie sighed, "I'm Raven."

"Care to tell us in detail," Keryn asked, glaring. When it came to their friend Kieran, Aymon and Keryn got angry.

"I'm Raven and I'm in the Neverseen. Is that better?" Raverie asked. Even she knew there was no point in hiding it now. "Can I leave now?"

"Neverseen?" Kieran asked, his shock then morphed into anger. "You're part of them!" he said the words with disgust.

"So?" Raverie asked him. "Did you not hear me ask if I could leave now?"

"We all did," Kaylessa snapped.

"What did I do?" Raverie asked, acting all innocent.

"You lied to us," Ashryn told her.

"You lied to your own brother!" Esarae pointed out.

"Why did you lie?," Kaylessa asked softly.

"You left me okay?" Raverie glared at Kaylessa. Viessa felt awkward watching Kaylessa with her Neverseen bestie. She should have made friends when she joined the Black Swan but she was just that know-it-all girl.

"YOU LIED TO YOUR OWN BROTHER!" Kieran shouted, interrupting Kaylessa and Raverie watching each other. Kieran couldn't handle it anymore and his face was bright red.

"Have you never lied to me?" Raverie asked him, nearly shouting back.

"I have but never lied about something this big!" Kieran screamed. All Viessa felt was anger at Raverie.

"Well, this wasn't something I had to share with you about!" Raverie stalked over to Aymon and ripped the crystal out of his hands. She leaped away quickly before anyone could say a word.

Kieran sank to the floor, his eyes were filled with something more than just anger. Rage. Hatred. Viessa didn't know how to help so she just gave him a quick hug.

"What did Raverie mean when she said 'you left me' to Kaylessa?" Keryn asked, even though he knew Kaylessa would get really angry at him.

"I was in the Neverseen too," Kaylessa said quietly as she walked out of the house.

Once Kaylessa left Keryn turned to Viessa, "Did you know that?"

"Of course I knew. I was part of the Black Swan before too," Viessa stated.

"Really?" Esarae asked her.

"Yeah," Viessa said quietly. "Raverie was Kaylessa's best friend when she was with the Neverseen you know."

"She was?" Kieran asked slowly. Viessa nodded.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Ashryn asked Viessa.

"It's personal. Kaylessa joined because her mom died. She blames the council. I joined the Black Swan just to help save the world." Viessa didn't want all her memories coming back but they flooded her mind anyway.

"Then how did you make the Neverswan?" Esarae asked.

"During a fight in a Black Swan hideout, Kaylessa 'Flare' decided to leave the Neverseen because they didn't do anything useful other than killing and hurting people. At the same time in the fight I decided to leave the Black Swan. Kaylessa grabbed my hand after I said I was leaving and she lept us to her property. There we revealed identities and found out who each other actually was." Viessa said, thinking of the time she left the Black Swan.

"How does that have to do with the Neverswan?" Keryn asked.

Esarae elbowed her brother, "She's getting there. Patience!" Keryn gave his sister a look.

"Well, after that, Kaylessa and I realized that we had the same goal. It was to help the world. So, we started an organization and named it Neverswan, for the Neverseen and Black Swan. After that, we recruited you guys." Viessa finished.

"Oh, that makes sense," Ashryn exclaimed.

"Everything makes sense to you," Aymon made a face at Ashryn. Ashryn stuck out her tongue.

"Stop flirting, you two!" Keryn grinned.

Aymon punched Keryn's shoulder, "We are not flirting!"

"Looks like it though," Keryn punched Aymon back.

"What are we going to do about my sister?" Kieran asked, still in shock.

"If she is staying with the Neverseen then she can't be with us," Viessa was sorry but there was nothing else they could do. "I know Kaylessa though, she's probably talking to Raverie to actually join us,"

"Oh," Kieran nodded sadly. "Tell Kaylessa a 'thanks for trying' from me when you next see her."

"I will," Viessa said.

"Kieran, don't lose hope in your sister so fast. I bet you that Kaylessa will make her quit the Neverseen and join the Neverswan for real." Keryn told Kieran.

"Yean," Viessa nodded in agreement. "Raverie will probably be back before you know it!"

"Did you just say something a bit nice about Kaylessa?" Kieran asked, grinning, ignoring what Viessa said.

"No way!" Keryn exclaimed. "I was just saying she's good at making others quit."

"You're making it sound like a good thing!" Aymon told him as Ashryn giggled.

"Brother, stop making yourself seem dumb." Esarae said, laughing. Viessa laughed along with her. It was nice to have a break. After all she was just a teenager trying to enjoy her 'perfect' life. 

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