Chapter Seventeen | Viessa

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HEYY!! Happy reading and have a lovely day <333


"Hi! Thanks for coming!" Viessa greeted the four of them bouncing on her seat. Viessa looked at the clock which showed 2:00 when Ashryn, Aymon, Kieran, and Raverie sat down on Viessa's light green bed. "I have mallowmelt for you all,"

"Mallowmelt?" Aymon asked her, just for confirmation. He jumped up when she nodded. Viessa and Kieran grinned at each other. Their plan was going into action.

"Can I have some?" Ashryn asked.

Viessa nodded, "All of you can have some," Viessa stood up and grabbed everyone their plates. She handed Aymon his plate, grinning evilly. This was going to be priceless. She quickly glanced at Kieran.

"While we're eating, let's start planning about how we are going to investigate," Viessa told them, taking a bite into her Mallowmelt.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Kieran told them, getting up.

"No one cares," Aymon told him, rolling his eyes. "I'll eat your Mallowmelt if you don't come back soon."

Viessa smiled. Kieran wasn't actually going to the bathroom, he was going to stand outside the room to take a video of what was going to happen. Good thing Aymon believed Kieran.

"I have a plan. We could take the DNA samples from the dagger." Ashryn told them, setting her Mallowmelt down on Viessa's desk.

"Why though?" Raverie asked Ashryn. Viessa wasn't paying much attention to Ashryn though. Aymon was more important at the moment. Viessa watched as he took a big bite into his treat.

"We could take the DNA from the dagger because-" Ashryn started but Aymon interrupted.

"WHAT THE HECK!" he screamed, spitting out the Mallowmelt in his mouth.

Kieran walked into the room trying to act surprised but he fell to the ground laughing. Viessa couldn't stop herself from laughing either.

Raverie and Ashryn looked at Aymon confused.

"WHO PUT TOOTHPASTE IN MY MALLOWMELT?" Aymon asked, his face filled with embarrassment.

Raverie and Ashryn pointed to Viessa and Kieran, "Of course it wasn't us, it was those two,"

"Who said it was us?" Kieran asked Aymon, trying to put on a face of confusion to mask his laughter. It didn't work though.

"I'm getting you both back for this," Aymon glares at them and suddenly steals Kieran's Mallowmelt.

"Hey! That's mine!" Kieran protested, trying to grab it back.

"Nope, it's mine!" Aymon exclaims happily, taking the biggest bite he could ever take.

Kieran glared at him and grabbed the toothpaste Mallowmelt and dumped it on Aymon's head. The Mallowmelt made his hair all sticky. Kieran smiled in satisfaction. Aymon was very angry of course and he flung the Mallowmelt on his head towards Viessa's face. Viessa ducked and it sailed past her and onto Raverie's head.

Raverie got up and glared at all of them. She took her own piece and threw it towards Aymon. Aymon moved to the side and the piece of Mallowmelt hit Kieran smack in the face. Kieran glared at Raverie but decided to throw the Mallowmelt on Ashryn.

And just like that the Mallowmelt war was on.

. . .

After everyone had calmed down, they each took turns taking a shower in Viessa's bathroom. The girls borrowed Viessa's clothes and the boys with no other option had to do the same. Kieran and Aymon were wearing Viessa's t-shirts which were way too small for them. The girls had to laugh when they saw the boys.

"Stop laughing," Aymon told Viessa. "It was your fault that this happened in the first place,"

"Not only my fault," Viessa told him, glancing over at Kieran. "Well, didn't you guys have fun though?"

"I didn't," Raverie told her but there was a big smile on her face. Ashryn laughed, grinning at Viessa.

Viessa calmed herself down from all the laughing and started speaking, "Let's get back to what we were talking about before,"

"Okay, so as I was saying we could take a DNA test from the daggers because we could use it to find out who the killer was." Ashryn told them.

"That's a great idea but how do we do that?" Viessa asked. No of them knew the answer to this.

"I guess we can't do that," Ashryn told them sadly.

"Well, we could ask the other group to help us try doing that," Aymon suggested.

"Okay," Ashryn said, going back to her thinking.

"Wait, can you guys remind me of your abilities?" Viessa asked them, taking out a paper and pencil to write it all down. She would get too confused if she didn't do that. In the end Viessa had a list of their abilities.

Viessa - Polyglot and Psionipath

Kaylessa - Pyrokinetic

Raverie - Technopath

Kieran - Flasher

Aymon - Guster

Ashryn - Cryokinetic (Froster)

Esarae - Mesmer

Keryn - Telepath

"Thank you," Viessa told them. "I think we can go to the death scenes tomorrow to investigate. It's already pretty late and besides we've been here for a long time and we have no plans at all."  

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