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Crymsin's POV

            “Crymsin! What the heck are you doing, come down!” I looked at Brielle from the back. We we're actually in the middle of a road that is in the middle of a long river and I am on it's handles. I turned around again to jump on on the bridge's railings since it was strong enough for my weight and to make Brielle a little nervous.

         “What the heck, Crymsin! We're going to be late! Don't you dare jump on there!” I turned to her wearing a mischievous smile on my face like I thought of something. Not long after that I saw her face getting pale. Nervousness and fear took over her whole body staring at me.  “What's that look?!” I giggled on how she panicked.

        “I can't swim, Bry. If I jump here, I'll be free...right?” I asked as I smiled at her. She was beginning to look paler and paler every second I glance down the bridge.  I feeling lightness of the air, I gave all my strength. In a swift seconds I let myself fall lightly with the air. “Crymsin!” She tried to saved me but like the thin air that I felt seconds before that...our fingers never collided but it...just passed like there was nothing in between.

       I'm Crymsin Melantha Garcia one of those suicidal girls you will meet on the streets. I am Crymsin the experiment of a known family. I am Crymsin. I kill if necessary and get hurt sometime.

        Seconds after that or so I opened my eyes just to see myself coughing a damn water which is I think was from the river. “Wait, that tastes bad” I mumbled continuously coughed. 

         “Your lucky I saved you” I turned to see a tall man with his hair tied up. He was in a suit and looked completely busy. He is handsome. Broad shoulders, small hips and tall. He is a perfect man.

          “I'm unlucky cause I get saved” I mumbled pouting. “Man, the river's water taste fucking bad” I pouted again turning around to see a ambulance and my friend running towards me. I quickly turned to the other direction refusing to hug her but she ended up getting wet. She just slipped and fell on the river. “Pft—t-that's hilarious!” I mumbled seeing her glare at me.

          “Y-You—I was worried that I'll never see you again! What the hell was that!? I know your a suicidal type of a girl but knowing that you can't swim? Why the hell think of jumping down the bridge!?” I pat her head to make her calm.

          “You didn't tell me that you wanted too? I should pull you together with me next time” I mumbled smiling. I froze onto my place as I felt my heartbeat getting heavier and heavier. I didn't let them see me suffer but I was sweating cold sweats while smiling and nodding from the questions.

         I clutched my fist feeling pain again. “You alright?” I nodded subconsciously trying to act normal.  “Seriously, your sweating even though you just came from the water. Aren't you cold?” I automatically shook my head.

        “Maybe it's from my hair, not a sweat” I mumbled again smiling.

          “Hey, kid. I'm going to go to work, don't try to suicide again. You'll find a reason to live soon” I turned to where I heard those and saw him walking away. “You'll be happy soon” I nodded but I didn't mean anything about it, I'll always be a suicidal freak.

          “Let's go home, Crymsin” I let myself be pulled by Bry with my towel. I was still clutching my heart for the pain from it. I am not that perfectly made because I am just an experiment but I am made to be one of the rulers of the family and an heir. How can they make me rule a fucking nation when they can't even find me—the experiment they've done wrong in the first place.

          “I'll be alright now, Bry. I'm gonna go  down once I'm done showering” I closed my door hearing an okay from her. I immediately collapsed onto my bed clutching my heart. I won't be eating dinner I guess. 

            Sometimes I just wanna die immediately cause I'll suffer living but everytime I wanted to, someone will save me. If I am hurt, someone will cure my wounds. I don't want that, I hated it. I will never like that...

❝To be continued..❞

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