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"Jake where is Ethan hyung?" Jay asked Jake just shrugged but frown."Why are you frowning?" Jay looked at the scene and widen his eyes."The hell is wrong with Jungwo-"

"GUYS STOP WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING?!?!" Jay shouted and trying to break the fight between Jungwon and Logan who were laying down blocking his face with his hands while Jungwon punching him thrice with his might.Bruises all over Logan face and Jungwon wanted to throw a last punch probably the most strongest punch he'd give but Ethan ran towards them and caught his wrist as he dragged him to the ground for him to block Jungwon.Jungwon scared of his hyung's doe eyes when he is mad....no more calm Ethan.

"Jay you go and bring that kid to the nurse room." Jay nodded and bring that kid along with Sunoo."Why are you like this Jungwon?" Ethan hissed and Jungwon lower his head down."Logan is a bad guy hyung." Jungwon spoke and Ethan looked at him with anger in his eyes."He is new here Jungwon why are you assuming he is the bad guy?" Jungwon hesitate to answer and Ethan looked at him more tense."Is there something i don't know?" Jungwon shakes his head vigorusly.

Wrong move Jungwon.

You're busted.

"R-Raina is here."Jungwon stuttered and Ethan glared at him."Guys the principle wants to see you." Soobin said,worried is on his face and they nodded.


Who is she? Woah she is hot.

Everyone is looking at the girl wearing revealing cloths more like a dress,some of them disgusted and some of them drooling at her temptation.Thats it,Raina Ahn.

"Guess what that bitch is here and ruined my mood." Judy hissed and Ryujin eyed the cereal box body in disgust.

Prolly fuck with all professors here to have good grades and want Ethan's attention.Too bad Ivy is here,the second smartest student with visual and grattitude.......well ignore the facts that she always sleeps during class but still manage to be in second.

Ryujin said to herself.

"Hello everyone." You smiled and sit besides them as they worriedly looked at you,again."Guys,hajima." You glared at them and they giggling.

"I heard theres a fight between Jungwon and a new guy." You widen your eyes and they nodded."What happen?" You asked."Nobody knows the reason only Jungwon himself."

"If this isn't the most friendly group,hello mind if i sit here Judy?" Raina fake smile and Judy eyed her."Umm we don't sit with stranger that looked like a slut thanks."Judy mocked her and everyone is laughing."I guess you are not yet fond of me guess what wait until i be your brother's girl-"

"In your dream now please get the hell out of here,stay away from us and go to hell."Lia hissed and Raina flip her hair."I'm not talking with yo-"

"Guys i heard some fly talking nonsense,i bet you can hear it too." Ryujin smirked and they nodded.

Raina looked at you in disgust,jealous ofc.You see the difference between you and her is............................Very far and she will never beat your visual and brain.

"Who is this nerd?" You looked at her and smiled."I'm-"

"She is no one NOW PLEASE GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I PUNCH YOU LIKE BEFORE."Judy growls and all of them glare at her,Ivy? She is hella scared at Judy's temper.Raina stomped her heels and walked away in shame.


"Jay,did you and Ivy already talk?" Kai asked and Jay nodded but Ethan tilted his head to him."About what?" Jay gulped."You will know later."

"Hyung i see you and her didn't communicate for almost two weeks." Sunghoon said and Ethan nodded."I miss her." Ethan sighs.

"Hello Ethan." You said and smiled as he smiled."Hey."

"Judy said you are not feeling well these days so i made you pasta and strawberry macarons for you." Ivy gave the 3 layer of lunch box,Ethan chuckled and take the lunch box with him and smiled,all of them laughed and hitting each others shoulder while Ivy confused but Ethan just smiled well fake smile."You can share it with them all." You smiled and he nodded."Thanks Ivy and wait i wanna ask you something but somewhere else." You nodded and all of them snickered at the blushing Ethan.Both of you walked to the field."We haven't talked for so long didn't we?" He said and you chuckled."Yeah,i suppose u busy with your upcoming exam and Basketball tournament." He nodded."I'm free tonight...........Wanna go stargaizing?" He asked and you smiled at him."I would love to.....but.........i-you see i have tons of homework." You pouted.

The fuck is wrong with you Ivy.You said to yourself as you pull the face of cringeness and Ethan laughing.

"You can complete that together as i have homework aswell." He smiled and you chuckled."As if i have a choice anyway." He shakes his head and wrap his hand on your shoulder and you chuckled at the blushing boy."Aren't i suppose to blush?" You looked at him and he became more red,he looked away."Don't tease me like that can you." You laughed and nodded."At the same park?"

"I'll pick you up later."

"Can we bring Ju-"

"No." He replied shortly.

"Why not?" You whined a little.

"Because i want you only." He said and you blushed.

"Okay than.My next class is english literature gtg and see you tonight Ethan." You said and he nodded."Bye Ivy." You waved him.

Ethan went back to his group of friends and only earning a wide smirk."Guys stop it." He glared at them."Sick my ass,you look pretty normal." Jay said and they laughed."its Judy so she can tease me later on." Ethan shakes his head but soon giggling to himself but they looked at him cringe."The hells wrong with you?" Yeonjun asked and they laughed as Ethan glared at him.

Ethan the great friend he is,sharing your cook with them and they fanboying by ur cooking skills especially Jay sulking the whole day cause of your delicious food is tasty than him.


"Just so you wait bitch." She gritted her teeth while looking at the scene infront of her."Baby whats wrong?" Caleb asked and Raina fakely pouted as she sit on his lap."I want that bitch to stay away from him." Caleb frowned."Why? They look very cute together besides that girl is very kind,she helped me during our Science lab activity class." Raina glared at him and he gulped.

"Okay guys work in partner and open the book page 279 and do it yourself unless you have a question.Now take the ingredients and start." All of them nodded at Namjoon's order.

"Hey you seems alone,lets be partner for todays project.I'm Ivy." You smiled and he smiled."I'm Caleb and thanks for being my partner for today." You nodded and the rest of the class went pretty normal.

Jake eyed you two on the other side of the table and one of the student nudged his shoulder asking him to continue his lecture on how to do the experiments and Jake is the one of the most potential student when it comes to science.


"Stay away from her Caleb." Raina glared at him."Okay fine."

"I will sure you pay what you had done Ivy." She laugh evilly and Caleb shakes his head.

Why did i date this girl?

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