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"Ivy." Ethan painting behind you and you chuckled."Whats up?" He looked at you and smile."Hangout?" You nodded excitedly and he just chuckled."You have any classes left?" He asked and you just shakes ur head.Walking side by side heading to the parking lot.The silence is not akwards but calm when you around him and so does he.

"60 days left before winter." You randomly started the conversation and he nodded."What do you always do when its winter days?" He opened the door for you and snickered by your weird face.After both of you buckle the seat belt he started the engene and drive."Well i'm most likely cuddle in my bed with hot choco.......minty too."

You giggled by  yourself at the mention of your big lazy cat."Oh really? Well for me i'm just sleeping and playing games." He said and you smiled."Where are we going?" You looked at the scenery and he glance at you."At the beach? I brought all foods ready." You looked at him."We are having a picnic?" He smiled and you just pouted so he frown."You did not like it?" You pouted more."I've never got to cook or bring any food."

He laughed at your sulkyself.

"Can i ask you something Ethan?" He glanced at you and raised his eyebrow making you flustered by his little gestures so you clear your throath.
"Why do you be friends with me?" He tensed up by your question."Why so sudden?" He asked and you just shrugged."I don't know.I don't have anything  that can attract people especially boys so i'm just wondering why you......The campus's hearthrob befriend with ordinary girl like me."

Ethan frowned."I'm not a god or something Ivy.I'm just a normal living boy who finds nothing but perfection in yourself.........The way you asked and talk makes me upset as if you don't believe i would be friend with you." You bitted your lip and glanced at the serious boy gripping tightly on his steering wheel.

"I'm sorry Ethan its just I'm wondering where is the cold and quiet boy i used to observed thats all i'm asking,please don't be mad,you looked intimidating Ethan." You silently spoke and Ethan soften his grips and looked at you who were almost tearing up so he felt very guilty and mad to himself bcs of his stupid remarked even tho its true but the way he showed them is wrong.

You flinched at the sudden touched from him.He hold your hand and intertwined them making you blushed as he lightly kiss it."I'm sorry Ivy for making you scared but please,don't asked those stupid questions again.The way you take care of yourself and your attitude has caught my eyes from the start of freshman year  where i got to be your instructor for your batch until now." He boldly said and you blushing more."And i....

know you observed me cause everytime you stared at me i caught you almost everytime." He said and you just sit there with red face until you guys arrived at the beach.As the both of you get out he asked you to pick any place to sit while he takes everything picnic must have in his trunks.

"The suns is setting.Did you made this spagethi (I forgot how to spell it so ignore okay.)" He nodded eagerly and you eats more."Slow down you will cho-"

You choked and he chuckled at you behaviour.He passed the chocolate milk and you drinked it.Smiling to himself for your appreciation on his cooking skills are his favourite thing in yourself.

"Do you want to eat ice cream after this?" He sipped his coke and you looked at him indisbelief."You want me to get fat?" He giggled and you laughed."I love to see you eat well thats all......So you in?" He smirked.

"Of course i'd say yes duhhhh who can't say no to ice cream." You raised your eyebrow and he nodded agreeing on your statement."Thank you Ethan.........For preparing this,i really appriciated your hardwork." He smiled and nodded.

"Whats your favourite Ivy." He asked and you tiptoed reaching his ear to whisper but he laughed at your height so he bend down abit and play along. "Cotton candy ice cream." He chuckled at your weird behaviour while the cashier herself giggled at the two."I'll take cotton candy with 4 scoups please." She nodded and asked him to seperate it or in the same bowl but big size so he answered sharing the ice cream."Ethan.........you do realise thats a large amount of sugar." He looked at you with a teasing smile and you just glared at him.

"Eat more Ivy." You whined and he looked at you with a laugh."Ethan i ate 2 and a half scoups now...Eat your part till its finish please,i think i'm gonna puke." You rub your temple and rested your head on his shoulder."Fine.I'll finish this." He snickered and eat a spoonful of ice cream without any reaction as you looked at him with wide eyes."Dude,you didn't get any brain freeze?" He glare at you and swallowed the ice cream."Call me dude one more time I'll shove this in your food." You playfully smile and defend your face with your hand.

"Its been 5 hours we spent....Don't you think its time to go home?" You asked."Why? Are you afraid?" He looked at you."No its just am wastin-"

"I don't want to hear anything." He cut you and simply eat his ice cream.With the last bite he throwed the cup in the bin and signalled your sleepyhead to get inside of the car.

She must felt very tired now.Of course she is Ethan its 9.45 pm.

"We going home now and it prolly take 1 hour to reach our neighboorhood so you can sleep for now." He pat your head and focused on driving as he stole a few glances at your state.

"What do you want Judy?" Ethan said as he connected his earpod on his left ear but soon scrunched his face."WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU AND WHY DID YOU TAKE IVY AWAY FROM ME." Judy furiously shouted."We are having a picnic earlier and now just on the way home after we ate ice cream at Namsan tower.Chill out sis i'm not taking her away from you." Ethan hissed and looked at your direction afraid he'd woke you up with his temper."Okay than,just take her home safely and you can go home after you drop her." Ethan rolled his eyes."You sounded like her mother even when she and her dad approved me you prick.I see you were in her house rn.....Did her parents went to bussiness trip again?" Judy hummed." I won't be home for 4 days.Ivy will come back home together with me so yeah." Judy snickered to herself as she can feel her brother sending her his deepest glare from where he is.If gaze could kill,Judy prolly died.......laughing.You think his sister afraid of him,you wrong.

No one know his deepest secret but his sister..........

He cried watching Titanic and could get scared easily watching horror movie.One time Judy prank her brother by turned the bathroom button off,he almost hit his head on the sink,he doesn't talk to his sister for almost a month until his father lecture him on how to be brave.

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