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After a few weeks of vacation from work, Jared decided to go back to work. His alarm went off but it seems like it wasn't enough to wake him up. Probably because he stayed up late once again reading that "girly,thick diary" as he describes it. After a few times of snoozing it, Jared scrambles up from the bed,rushing to get ready for work for he's already late.

"Damn! This can't keep happening. No more stupid diaries for you mister." he tells his self while fixing his hair looking at his bathroom mirror. He then noticed his right arm had a lil big bluish purplish bruise. He spaced out a bit and looked at the mirror lost in his thoughts, then just shrugged it off.

"Mom! I'll go ahead. I'm sorry I won't be able to eat breakfast with you. I'm already late for work. I promise to be home by dinner to make it up to you." he said and gave his mom a kiss.

"But son, I thought your dad told you to take some time off at least until next week?"

"Yes mom...but there's really nothing here for me to do. I'm okay and I've had enough rest already. See you later mom."

"Alright. Take care son. Call me if you want anything for dinner so I can cook it for you."

"Okay mom. I'll be home by then I promise. Enjoy your day" and he gave her another kiss as he hurriedly went to his car.

Jared left home and drove himself to work instead of having his driver drive him.


Courtney wasn't able to sleep well again last night. She kept waking up. She kept having those dreams again.

"Nothing you can do Courtney. Move on. Let go of him. He won't be coming back anymore. Just. Accept. It." she told herself and broke down.

After her breakdown moment, she took a shower and planned to go to the mall after days of just staying at home. And suddenly, it struck her, she haven't seen her diary since she got back home. Her diary!

She quickly took her luggages and the purses she used during her travel. One by one she took out stuff that was left in her luggages,checked on her desks, her shelf,her's not there. She started to panic and looked for her yaya to ask if they've seen her diary. No. No one did. She went on to check at their garden, at the gazebo and called on their care taker at their rest house but no luck. She went back to her room, took her other, the older, diary and sat at the edge of her bed and sighed.

"That one thing that holds our memory...I've lost him. And now even that I have lost. It's all my fault. It's all my fault." she blamed herself as tears fell from her eyes.

Every corner of her room reminds her of him, but that diary holds the memories untold, memories that only them knows and memories that she doesn't want to lose as she tries to continue on with her life.

"That's the only thing I have of him. And I've lost it like I have lost him. I need to find it. I need it."

She curled up on her bed, hugging her other diary that is covered with pictures of him and her when they were younger. She started crying again,and her eyes fell and stared at their picture that is on her wall.

"I miss you so much. How could you have left me like this?", she cried as she slowly falls asleep.


"Jared!" his dad called as he was walking to his office. 

"Dad. Good morning, sir." he greeted. 

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to take some time off?"

"Yes,sir. I know but I'd rather be here than stay at home and do nothing."  

"Why don't you go out with your friends then? Have fun and enjoy. Go somewhere. Boracay?Palawan? Go hiking or something?"  

"I'm okay dad. Maybe soon when Dave gets back from his trip."  

"Okay then. Could you do me a favor though? Please call your mom and tell her that I'd be home late tonight. I have a dinner meeting with a potential investor. And you, go home early and have dinner with her okay?"  

"Yes dad. I will, don't worry." And his dad bid him goodbye.

After geting settled at his office, Jared started to work on the paperworks that needs to get done and reviewed reports that were put on his desk. It was already 3pm and he didnt notice until his secretary knocked on his door and asked him if he already had lunch and if he needs anything before going to their quarterly training. He told her that he's okay and she could go to the training.

As he was waiting for his order to be delivered, he faced his office window that is overlooking part of the city. He seems so lost in his thoughts.

"Would I ever have the chance to love and be loved again?" 

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