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The rain is pouring hard and there they are, still standing and soaking wet. Their gaze locked on each other, which seems like eternity for Jared. He can see her tears falling down, and there's this urge, something inside of him that pushes him to wipe her tears away, to hug and to comfort her.

But, he knew better. She suddenly looked away, turned her eyes onto the ground.

"Miss? Let's go. You're going to get sick." He said trying to convince her still. He fixed the coat on her head and tried to lead her over to the café. Surprisingly, she didn't push him away nor did she stopped him. 

Jared led her to the café and then sat her at the table closest to the fireplace. 

"Good thing I haven't put this one out yet" he mumbled to hisself as he added firewood on it.

Jared then went behind the counter and started to make two cups of coffee and a cup of tea. "I don't know which one she likes..." A problematic Jared whispered. 

He left the coffee brewing and went to his office. He went over his duffel bag and took out a shirt and a towel. "Would this do? Well, she needs to dry up..." Jared talking to hisself. 

He walked back to her and sat across from her. He's nervous, shaking. "Uhm, miss. Here. Uhm, change into this and dry up a bit. These are clean don't worry." He told her as he handed over the shirt and towel. 

He went back to the counter to check on the coffee and started to prepare plates for sandwiches and pastries. He kept stealing glances on her. He just can't help it. He is really getting worried, but he doesn't know what to do though until he saw her stood up and took the towel and shirt he gave her. And he remembered that he has an extra hoodie so he went in his office again to get it.

He was about to leave the room when he remembered that he's wet too. He searched through his duffel bag and luckily he's got another set of clothes. He changed and took the hoodie with him. He poured coffee on the cups and put them on the trays. He carried the two trays with the hoodie hanging on his arm.  

He settled the trays down and put the hoodie neatly on her chair. He took a seat and waited for her to come back.


She doesn't know what got into her that she broke down like that...and in front of a stranger. Much worse...a guy!!

“Aisshh…seriously? Breaking down in front of a guy??? What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?!” Courtney angrily told herself through her reflection in the mirror of the restroom. “You are such a mess” she added.

She’s glad that she wore jeans that day or it would really be awkward and embarrassing than it already is.

“What a birthday celebration…” she continued on. She must have not noticed but she spaced out thinking of him. Him. She doesn’t even know what his name is. But, he seems so…gentle? Yes, he is handsome. He is tall and got the looks. His eyes are beautiful, full of care and gentleness when he was looking at her. He moves smoothly, gracefully yet so manly.

“Nooooo! Stop. What are you doing??? Stop that. Stop thinking.” She scolded herself. She looked at herself in the mirror again and saw what a mess she really is.

She doesn’t wanna change into his shirt, but what choice does she have? She’s freezing already with her wet clothes on. She sighed in defeat and changed her top into his shirt.

“Smells good” she thought but then fought herself from thinking about it. Her hair is all over the place so she decided to put it in a bun even though it is wet from the rain. 

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