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I am so excited for tomorrow! I just got my dress too!!!!!:) It is simple. I want it to be simple, I guess. It is a red, satin sweetheart short dress, detailed with sequins on top and lacy and flowing at the bottom, empire waist.

Josh texted me earlier too, he said he can't wait for tomorrow night, for Homecoming!:) Oh it'll be great hihihi. First dance of the year, and I can already feel it'll be really one unforgettable night! Especially, as it won't be a Steve-Courtney tandem again going to the dance. This time I'll have my first and real dance date hihihi. And with my crush!! Gosh. Am I blushing? Lol.  Oh I don't know if I'd be able to sleep at all. Haha.

Steve was acting weird earlier again. He's been quiet the whole day, seems like he's thinking of something deeply. But when I ask him what's wrong, he says it's nothing. Sigh. I wonder what's wrong with my bestfriend. I miss his usual self-- loud, humorous and active. I hope he won't let me down tomorrow too. I hope he'll show up and will go to homecoming too, as he promised. Oh Steve. Hope tomorrow will be better for you. 

And speaking of Steve, where is he anyways. I haven't seen him after he dropped me home and even at our tree house. No texts or calls either. Maybe he has a date tomorrow too? Hihihi. Steve? Being romantic and having a date? Hihihi I can't imagine. But who wouldn't want to go with him, my bestfriend is talented and handsome.:) Well, I guess I'll know tomorrow what is up and who's the lucky girl.

Whew. I feel excited, happy but nervous and worried too. Uh oh, am I being bipolar again? Lol. Oh well, I need my beauty rest so I'll have to go for now, have to force myself to sleep if I don't wanna look like a zombie next to Josh. Can't wait to tell you all about Homecoming night.:)

Good night diary.


"Wow. Homecoming night. I can already imagine a girl giggling and excited over this but not as excited as for Prom and Senior ball,"  Jared said and chuckled. "Man, what is wrong with me? Thinking over this kind of stuff." he told himself. "Homecoming Dance....Prom night....."

"Jared, iho?" His mom knocking on his door. 

"Yes mom? Come in. Door is unlocked," he answered.

"Are you busy son?"

"No. Not really. Why? You need anything? Errands? Need something at the store? I'll get it for you" he said with a smile while looking at his mom who's still peeking at his door.

"Well. Uhm. I kinda do. Can you drive me to the mall son? I need to get a new dress for that party that your dad and I will go to next week. I know you're not into shopping and all but..."

"Mom, you don't have to explain. And you don't have to hide there and all. Of course I can and I will drive you and I will go with you. Anything for the most important woman in my life" he said chuckling and stood up to let his mom in.

"Oh son. You are the sweetest. I am ready whenever you are okay? Thanks son." She said laughing with his son and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Be down there in five mom."

His mom closed the door behind her and he went to go change and get ready.

He is all done and about to leave his room and remembered the diary that he left on his unmade bed. "Can't afford to have someone see that I have this." He thought to hisself and kept it in the drawer at the nightstand by his bed.


"Mom, I'm going out. I'll be meeting Addison at the mall. She's back from their family trip."  Courtney tells her mom who's in the kitchen, baking.

"Oh, go. Of course. Have fun and enjoy. Tell her I said hi too and to visit us here. Hehe. I miss her stories and here give this to her, please?" her mom said, giving her a small box of cookies she made earlier.

"Will do, mom. I'll call you if I can't make it to dinner. Thank you. I'll go ahead." She gave her mom a kiss and left.

"I hope this will be the start for you, honey. I hope this will be the beginning of you slowly moving on." Her mom thought after she left.


"Louuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!" Addi called on to her, running to her like a little kid. Addison, Addi, her bestfriend loves to call her "Lou", from her second name Louise, saying that everyone calls her "Courtney" or "Court" so she wanted to call her differently. Her friend enclosed her in a tight bear hug for who knows how long. "Addi! Maybe you can release me now. Haha" she said to her friend who's still hugging her. "It is really great to see a familiar face. It is really great seeing you again Addi." "Well, it is greater and awesome to finally see you again. And you owe me lady! You didn't even tell me you went to New York. I could have flown there too." Addi said, pouting playfully. "We can always plan and go there, don't worry."

"And woman, let's go somewhere and not just stand here in the middle, can we?" Courtney said, chuckling. But is she really feeling it? It is truly great to see her friend, but she still feel like something is missing. 

They went to this popular café that's been on the news, papers and being passed on by word of mouth lately, Ma Cherie Café. They are both not really heavy drinkers of coffee but they just thought of looking at what's the buzz is all about. 

It is located in a corner, overlooking the mall's garden. It seems like just another regular café for Courtney. "What's so special about this place that everyone's been talkin' about it? Look at that, there's a lot of people outside, maybe it is already full inside and too crowded. Are you sure you want it here?" "Yes, Lou. It won't kill us to join everyone in this trend." her friend told her who excitedly opened the door. 

The door is made of wood, like a door of a house that is well-designed with very intricate details. As Addi opens the door, the aroma of coffee welcomed them, with the smell of fresh flowers and fruits. And, surprisingly, it is not one small café. It is bigger than they thought.

"This is weird. I feel so....at ease. At home, maybe? So comfortable" Courtney thought to herself as she closed her eyes.

"Lou, are you okay? Come on. Let's order now. The smell of their pastries is making me drool like a baby" Addi tells her while dragging her.

She ordered an apple strudel and a cup of caramel macchiato, while Addi got a slice of banana choco chip cake and hazelnut coffee. 

They found a table at the corner of the café. The ambiance of the place has seemed to take over Courtney. 


At the mall, Jared is carrying the bags of what his mom bought for the party and she also got him a new shirt. As his mom continues on with her shopping spree, he just lovingly looks at her. 

"Thank you God for giving such a wonderful mom." he said while looking at his mom who is busy looking for shoes. She turned around and saw him smiling.

"What are you smiling at, son?"

"Nothing. Haha. What would my lady want to eat for snacks? Anything you want me to grab right now? I made a reservation at your favorite restaurant for dinner." he asked his mom.

"You are so sweet, darling. How about you just bring me to your coffee shop? I haven't been there for a while now. I would love to see the changes you've made and how much people love it."

"Are you sure mom? There are a lot of other food places here where we can grab something to eat."

"Yes. I am perfectly sure son."

Jared led her mom to his baby, his very first coffee shop. Yes, he's been handling and helping his dad with their business but this is the first project that is really his own. Something different from the ones that his father have successfully put up and managed. And it has gone a long way. It started as a very small café but in a few months span, he had to expand it to meet with the demands of the people. His father already told him that the Board and him are very proud of his success and is suggesting that he start thinking of branching it out. 

He opens the door for his mom. And he looked around, in awe.

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