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Jared was startled by the knock on the door. "I fell asleep." he thought to his self. He checked his watch, 3:45pm. There was another knock on his door.

"Come in." he said.

"Sir. The food that you ordered is already here." Erika, his secretary said.

"Oh yeah yeah. Thank you. By the way, Erika, I ordered pizza too. It's for everyone. And after that, you guys can go home."

"Thank you sir. I will let them know right away."

"Thanks too. Our team is done for today okay? You may go now. Thanks."

Erika closed the door behind her as she left his office. He started fixing his food on the other table in his office when his cellphone rang.

"Hello?" he said as he answered the call.

"Hello??" Still there's no answer. He hung up and then checked the number of the caller. "hmmm..." he is trying to think if it looks familiar or something. Not at all.

"Probably just called the wrong number," he shrugged. He ate and then went back to work. After couple hours, someone was calling him again,this time on his office phone.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hi son. What time will you be home? I'm almost done cooking. Is your dad coming with you?"

"Oh...I'll be there in a bit mom. I'm about to leave the office." he said then he bit his lower lip. "Oh and mom, dad won't be eating dinner with us. He has a dinner meeting with an investor. I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind. I was supposed to tell you earlier."

"It's okay son. Drive safely okay? I'll see you in a bit. I love you son." she said cheerfully.

"Thanks mom. I will. Love you too."

He hurriedly cleans his desk up and then arranged the files that he was working on to bring home with him. As he was about to close the door behind him, he stopped and turned back around. He went back to his desk and opened the bottom drawer. The diary. He sighed and then took it out and put it in his bag.



"Huh?! What? What??!!!!! What's wrong?!!!!" Steve said, panicked and startled.

Courtney laughs at him and said, "you should have seen your face!hahahaha".

"Very funny, Court." said the blushing Steve.

"Who's grumpy now, huh?!" she said, still laughing.

"Whatever. Why are you here anyway?"

"Well, I have something to tell you!"

"That better be important! Much more important than my nap!!"

"Just hear me out,'kay. Josh asked me to go with him to our Homecoming Dance!!!" she shrieked excitedly.

Steve was quiet.

"Uhm, arent you gonna say something mister? Arent you excited and happy for me?" she asked pouting.

"Oh uhm..yeah sure.."

Courtney was still pouting and then crossed her arms. "Hmmmp. I thought you're gonna be happy for me. I was so excited Iwent straight here to tell you and you're gonna be like that."

Courtney was about to leave when Steve ran after her. "Wait. Wait up. I'm sorry munchkin. It's just that...."

"Whatever.mjust go back to your nap."

"No. Wait. Hold on. Please...what would you like for me to do be like 'waaaaahhhhh. Oh my gosh...are you serious?' oh please."

"Why are you being like that? You are so damn moody,Steve."

"I'm sorry.'s just uhm..."


"Nothing...never mind. I'm just sorry." Steve said trying to look like a sad puppy.

"Let's just talk tomorrow or when you're not being like that." And Courtney left him.

She went straight to her room, so pissed at him. "Ugh. Steve Andrew!" she yelled at his picture that she's holding. After couple hours, someone knocked on her window. She knows who it is, so she just let him knock til he gets tired. Few minutes after, the knocking stopped and then she heard a 'thump' like something dropped or fell outside. She got scared and worried that she hurriedly opened her window. She was surprised to see a big balloon saying 'I'm sorry!' and then Steve popped up.

"Forgive me pleaseeeeeeeee!", he said pouting giving her his sad puppy eyes look.

"Hmppp!" Courtney turned her back on him.

"Please???" he said while climbing into her room. "Look munchkin. I'm so sorry okay? I know,it's my fault. It's just know."

"I know what? How will I understand if you won't tell me and lemme know? Huh?"

"I'm so sorry." he sighed.

"I don't like Josh for you." he blurted.

"What??? And why is that?"

"Because he's a jerk. That's why." he said, with what seems like to be a sound of jealousy.

"Whatever. Maybe you're just saying that."

"No. You know me. And I know a jerk when he is one. Trust me."

"Just go, Steve Andrew."

Steve gave the balloon to her and then gave something else to her. A kite.

"Fly our kite? Peace please?" then he kneeled down.

"Ughhhh...I hate you monkey!! You just really know what to do whenever I'm mad." she said trying not to smile.

"Let's go chunky monkey! What are you waiting for???"

They went up their tree house after flying their kite and watched the sunset munching on their favorite, mangoes.

Courtney reminisced that while she was there sitting at their old tree house where Steve and her used to hide and spend most of their childhood days. She was hugging the kite and next to her is a pic of them two with wide smiles on their faces that day. She smiled weakly and watched the sunset. A tear dropped from her eye.

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