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Marinette's alarm clock blared loudly, awaking her from her slumber. She groans, reluctantly turning it off.

Great. It's already 11am, I missed like half the day already.

"Tikki?" Marinette called her kwami sleepily, and she zipped right up to her. "Morning Marinette!" Tikki greeted the girl cheerfully. "Morning," she finally replied to her as she got out of bed, heading for her closet. Marinette had a short shift today, she needed to get the materials for the dress after, then get some things ready so Chat can come over.

Okay, easy enough.

She pulled out some basic black pants, a pink crew-neck top and a denim jacket, placing them on her bed.

Marinette left the house with a small paper in her hands, here which stated the fabrics she needed for the dress, as well as the length of the fabric and other little details like lace and such. She repeated the things she needed under her breath, so she didn't forget anything even though she had a list right in her hands. "Marinette, there's no need to worry, you're just buying fabric," Tikki peered through the girl's purse. "Yes, I know that, I just don't want to mess up, I'm not taking any chances!"

Coming out of the store with a paper bag of fabric and a satisfied smile on her face, Marinette walked home. "See, I told you everything will be fine!" Mari chuckled. "I guess I can relax a bit before I start." She planned on arranging her workspace before he came so she could get sewing straight away.

She walked upstairs, placing the bag of fabrics by her sewing machine. Just as she let out a sigh, a gigantic roll of thread crashed into her room, destroying half of it. On the other half, Marinette sputtered. "What in the world was that?!" she coughed, standing up. "Tikki, spots on!" she called, transforming into her alter-ego, Ladybug.

Ladybug zipped out of the destroyed room and onto the rooftops on Paris. Spinning her yoyo for momentum, she scanned the streets, trying to locate the Akumatized citizen. "Meow M'lady, someone seems focused."

She didn't need to turn around to know it was Chat Noir, the constantly-punning hero. "Have you seen the villain yet?" she asked as she stopped spinning her yoyo. "Yeah, saw a glimpse of her around this area, don't know where she is now though."

"Let's take quick round here, see if--" Ladybug said before being cut off. "Oh no, what happened to Marinette's room? Is she alright??" he panicked, looking at her full of concern. "Oh, yeah I um, rescued her! She's hiding safe somewhere," Ladybug lied, before narrowly missing a giant needle. "Ladybug! Chat Noir! There you are! Your costumes look like they need some alterations, how about you hand your Miraculouses over so I can check them out?" the villain sneered, throwing a gigantic needle the heroes' way. The two narrowly dodged it, ducking behind one of the high pillars of the roof.

"Don't be scared now, Stitcher will help alter you to your worst!" the villian said, cackling evilly. Ladybug gasped. "She's a designer! One of her clients must've criticised her work," she said as she started spinning her yoyo again. She wrapped her yoyo around a nearby lamp post and swung to it gracefully, landing on the ground.

"Don't bother, I'm sure don't need alterations, maybe you do though!" she taunted, swinging her yoyo at the villain's wrist. "Not so fast, you need to think faster than that you pest!" Stitcher growled, yanking her arm out of grip effortlessly and sending a giant thread roll Ladybug's way. The hero ducked behind a car to dogde it, her partner landing beside her.

"How is she creating them so easily from her bare hands?" he wondered aloud. "Hawkmoth can give them whatever powers, this one's pretty strong. Help me locate the Akuma, that way I can plan how to get it."

Chat Noir nodded, extending his baton and pulled it back, holding on tightly before jumping on the baton that flung him into the air and he contracted it. He continually did this until he landed on Marinette's half-destroyed rooftop. Stitcher sent a few needles his way, but he effortlessly dodged them all. Chat scanned the villain, trying to find any possible jewellery the Akuma might be hiding in. He then spotted a ruby pin in Stitcher's bun. "M'lady, her-- ouch!" Chat yelled as he got hit in in the chest with a yarn ball that was as big as his head. he dropped into Marinette's room, rubbing his head gingerly.

"Chat Noir are you okay?!" Ladybug yelled out to him, hastily dodging more gigantic sewing equipment thrown at her. "I'm alright!" he shouted back as he came back into her sight.

Just as she let out a sigh of relief, she felt something sharp graze her left cheek. She heard a needle drop behind her, and to her horror, she saw the tip of the needle coated in thick, red, liquid. Stitcher cackled again.

"Poor bug, bleeding hopelessly, who's going to help you?" she taunted as she sent more yarn balls towards the black cat, who thankfully dodged them all this time. Chat ducked behind a pillar, breathing heavily. Ladybug was hiding out in a dark alley, trying to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound with her palm.

She decided to call out her lucky charm, hoping something useful would come around. At least 10 meters of rolled up cotton bandages landed in her hands. "Okay what the heck," she huffed exasperatedly, just as Chat ran in with her. "Phew, close one," he sighed, when yet another roll of thread crashed into their alley, destroying two buildings. The duo coughed and sputtered, finding themselves covered in powdered concrete. As if that wasn't enoughc Ladybug's earrings beeped, indicating she only had four minutes left before she would detransform.

"Got anything M'lady?" Chat asked as he saw her scan the area as much as she could. From the black and white, her special sight highlighted her lucky charm, the lamp post, Stitcher and Chat Noir. "I..I think I know what we need to do." With the amount of blood she was loosing at an alarming rate, she hadn't much energy left. She quickly whispered the plan to him, and he nodded.

"Here, take this," Ladybug said, placing the lucky charm in his palm. He nodded, putting the plan in action. Ladybug distracted Stitcher by swinging around her in circles, all while blood steadily dripped down her cheek and casually checking on Chat Noir who was hiding behind a car parked right behind Stitcher.

"Now!" Ladybug called, swinging her yoyo at Stitcher, pulling her forcefully towards the lamp post and slamming her against it. Chat Noir swiftly wrapped Stitcher in the bandages,  grabbed her hair pin and smacked it to the ground. Ladybug, with little energy she had, purified the Akuma, falling to the floor.

"Chat, call it out for me would you?" she asked him, and he nodded. With the remainder of the bandage roll, he threw it into the air and called, "Miraculous Ladybug!" and everything went back to normal, including Ladybug's cheek.

She sighed in relief, standing up for their usual 'pound it'. Just as Chat was about to say something, her earrings beeped again. 1 minute. "Oh I'm about transform back bye kitty!" she babbled, swinging off into the distance.

Then making a U-turn for her house, of course, and just as she landed on her balcony, her transformation weared off. Tikki drooped into her palm weakly, groaning. Ladybug-now-turned-Marinette climbed inside, handing her kwami a cookie from her stash that she kept just for her little creature. Glancing at her digital clock on her desk, she gasped. "Oh god I have to set things up, Chat'll be here any minute!" she panicked as she took her ruler, pencil, measuring tape and more things to get ready for sewing. "Marinette catch your breath, he won't be that.."

Knock knock!

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