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Chat Noir
*1 attachment* u like my new wallpaper?

Marinette hesitantly clicked on the notification, opening the attachment. "You stupid stupid cat," she sighed out, grinning idiotically as she blushed red.

you stupid cat.

Chat Noir
i wanna see how red ur face looks like rn loll

jokes on u u cant come over lol :p

Chat Noir
who said i was coming over?

The text message screen faded into an incoming video call from him. Panicked, Marinette pressed decline, hand pressed to her mouth in relief.

Oh well, at least that's what she thought she pressed. "Hi there princess," a voice came through her earphones. She glanced to the screen to see strands of blonde hair and a ceiling. "Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot," she chanted, rushing to cover her camera with something. "Don't be shy," Chat taunted, chuckling.

"Ugh," she groaned. "Why do you do this," she asked. "Why so flustured?" he shot back instantly, and the girl gaped at him. "I'm your wallpaper." He chuckled again. "Okay and?"

"People are gonna think I'm your girlfriend," she realised, before groaning and hiding her head in her hands.

"Won't that be nice, I am your knight in shining armour," he reminded, which made her squeak and hide her face from the camera. "You're reaction is adorable," he admitted, laughing afterwards. Something else came out; that lovestruck sigh Marinette had heard him let out a lot during his talk with him as Ladybug,

"Why that sigh, my dear knight," she managed to peep from her pillow hiding. "Oh, nothing, it's probably because I'm happy," he replied. "Why?"

"Because I get to hear your voice," he simply admitted. "I can't wait to come over tomorrow."

Marinette only hummed, before getting an idea. "Hey, what if I taught you how to make croissants?"

You could hear the blond boy light up at the idea. "Really? that would be awesome!"

"Yeah, Maman and Papa would be out tomorrow night for dinner too, I could ask them right now, give me a minute."

The girl unplugged her earphones, and rushed downstairs.

He sighed that same lovestruck sigh. "Plagg, I'm so gone for her," he swooned, The kwami also sighing as he ate his cheese. "Welp kid, at least you're happy," he told him, taking another bite of his cheese.

After a bit more silence, he heard some rustling, indicating Marinette had come back. "They said yes!" she told him eagerly. "I'm so excited to teach you, and maybe watch you mess up just so I could tease you about it," she said, laughing. The boy laughed sarcastically.

"Haha, very funny, princess."

"I mean, entertaintment!"

As she settled down once more into her bed, the bluenette let out a yawn. "Someone's sleepy," Chat singsonged, Marinette laughing softly. "Mhm, guess I am. I should get to bed, I have school tomorrow."

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